Weeping Fudo . Naki Fudo 泣き不動 - 清浄華院 Shojoke-In
- - - - - and one more legend about Abe and Fudo
At the temple hall Shinnyodoo 真如堂 Shinnyo-Do
京都府京都市左京区浄土寺真如町82 Kyoto
The statue of Fudo Myo-O at this temple was the special protector deity of Abe no Seimei. One day his descendants wanted to have it back. Tenno Gohanasono-In 後花園院 (1419 - 1470) did not want to accept this request and had the statue transported to his private living quaters (kinri 禁裏). When he opened the box it was empty and Fudo Myo-O had returned to the Shinnyo-Do. This Fudo statue was used to be looking East 東向き but now was facing North 北向き. The adescendants gave up their request and worshipped the Fudo Statue now at Shinnyo-Do.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : -
. The rokuyō (六曜) Rokuyo : Six Days
predicting good or bad fortune for each day
. The Four Heavenly Directions 東西南北 .
Feng Shui 風水 Chinese Geomancy
The Asian Lunar Calendar
Goshiki 五色 The Five Colors
The 12 Heavenly Generals 十二神将
. Kimon 鬼門 the "Demon Gate" .
in the North-East
. Legends from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
There is a keyaki 欅 zelkova tree in 亀岡市 Kameoka that was planted by Abe no Seimei.
If people want to cut it or hurt it, they will be cursed.
Seimei once lived in Kozagawa 古座川町. He pulled a golden staff 金の棒 behind him, reciting:
Thus he could help poor people.
Fukushima 福島
Seimei no Matsu 晴明の松 The Pine tree of Abe no Seimei
Once when Seimei travelled in the region, he planted this pine with the wish to protect people from fire and disaster and founded the shrine 小社山神社 (Okosoyama Jinja).
The tree has been cut down in the Meiji period, it is said its diameter was 9 shaku (1 shaku is about 30 cm).
Some say this is the Ipponmatsu at Kamata 鎌田の一本松.

source :
This is a tea bowl with the Ipponmatsu that survived the Great Earthquake.
Gifu 岐阜
yakan 野干 a monster beast from ancient China
probably ジャッカル jakkaru, jackal, or maybe a fox 狐.
Once a man from Mino wanted to get a beautiful wife and eventually found one in Nohara 野原 (The Wilderness). He took her as his wive and they had a son. Soon after the dog of the home also had youngens, which were born on the 15th day of the 12th lunar month (full moon night). There puppies seemed quite grown-up at birth and when they saw the lady of the house, they yelped.
One day when the women wanted to do the washing of rice for lunch and went into the little hut with running water. There they found the dog trying to bite and eat their mistress. The Mistress suddenly turned into a Yakan Fox and fled over the roof.
Seimei's mother is said to have been a fox called Kuzu no ha 葛の葉.

(photo : wikipedia)
Abe no Kiyoyuki 安部清行, a descendant of Seimei (825 - 900)
One evening Kiyoyuki passed a small road near 神泉苑 Shinsen-En Garden ("Sacred Spring Garden") when he saw some children draging the sacred rope of the temple through the mud. He felt as if he was hurt himself and scolded the children in a loud voice.
- Homepage of Shinsen-En - 京都府京都市中京区御池
It is the remains of the palace and garden of Emperor Kanmu.
- source : -
- quote -
Shinsen-en was once much larger, about 10 times bigger covering 33 acres, in fact, and was part of a walled Chinese-style pleasure garden built by Emperor Kammu to the south of his main palace. Shinsen-en stretched between Nijo to Sanjo streets.
Due to numerous fires nothing remains of the Emperor Kammu's original structures and the garden has survived as the Tokugawa authorities allowed Toji Temple to construct a sub-temple here along with three small Shinto shrines.
Shinsen-en garden was once the playground of the Heian nobility who held moon-viewing and boating parties on the lake. The name of the street on which Shinsen-en stands, Oike Dori, harks back to the glory days of the garden as it means "Honorable Pond" street.
- source : Japan Visitor -
. The Park of God's Well in Kyoto .
Already during the Heian period, a dragon was believed to live in the park and if you pray sincerely to it, rain would fall.
- source : yokai database -
Weeping Fudo . Naki Fudo 泣き不動 - 清浄華院 Shojoke-In
- - - - - and one more legend about Abe and Fudo
At the temple hall Shinnyodoo 真如堂 Shinnyo-Do
京都府京都市左京区浄土寺真如町82 Kyoto
The statue of Fudo Myo-O at this temple was the special protector deity of Abe no Seimei. One day his descendants wanted to have it back. Tenno Gohanasono-In 後花園院 (1419 - 1470) did not want to accept this request and had the statue transported to his private living quaters (kinri 禁裏). When he opened the box it was empty and Fudo Myo-O had returned to the Shinnyo-Do. This Fudo statue was used to be looking East 東向き but now was facing North 北向き. The adescendants gave up their request and worshipped the Fudo Statue now at Shinnyo-Do.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : -
. The rokuyō (六曜) Rokuyo : Six Days
predicting good or bad fortune for each day
. The Four Heavenly Directions 東西南北 .
Feng Shui 風水 Chinese Geomancy
The Asian Lunar Calendar
Goshiki 五色 The Five Colors
The 12 Heavenly Generals 十二神将
. Kimon 鬼門 the "Demon Gate" .
in the North-East
. Legends from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
There is a keyaki 欅 zelkova tree in 亀岡市 Kameoka that was planted by Abe no Seimei.
If people want to cut it or hurt it, they will be cursed.
Seimei once lived in Kozagawa 古座川町. He pulled a golden staff 金の棒 behind him, reciting:
Thus he could help poor people.
Fukushima 福島
Seimei no Matsu 晴明の松 The Pine tree of Abe no Seimei
Once when Seimei travelled in the region, he planted this pine with the wish to protect people from fire and disaster and founded the shrine 小社山神社 (Okosoyama Jinja).
The tree has been cut down in the Meiji period, it is said its diameter was 9 shaku (1 shaku is about 30 cm).
Some say this is the Ipponmatsu at Kamata 鎌田の一本松.

source :
This is a tea bowl with the Ipponmatsu that survived the Great Earthquake.
Gifu 岐阜
yakan 野干 a monster beast from ancient China
probably ジャッカル jakkaru, jackal, or maybe a fox 狐.
Once a man from Mino wanted to get a beautiful wife and eventually found one in Nohara 野原 (The Wilderness). He took her as his wive and they had a son. Soon after the dog of the home also had youngens, which were born on the 15th day of the 12th lunar month (full moon night). There puppies seemed quite grown-up at birth and when they saw the lady of the house, they yelped.
One day when the women wanted to do the washing of rice for lunch and went into the little hut with running water. There they found the dog trying to bite and eat their mistress. The Mistress suddenly turned into a Yakan Fox and fled over the roof.
Seimei's mother is said to have been a fox called Kuzu no ha 葛の葉.

(photo : wikipedia)
Abe no Kiyoyuki 安部清行, a descendant of Seimei (825 - 900)
One evening Kiyoyuki passed a small road near 神泉苑 Shinsen-En Garden ("Sacred Spring Garden") when he saw some children draging the sacred rope of the temple through the mud. He felt as if he was hurt himself and scolded the children in a loud voice.
- Homepage of Shinsen-En - 京都府京都市中京区御池
It is the remains of the palace and garden of Emperor Kanmu.
- source : -
- quote -
Shinsen-en was once much larger, about 10 times bigger covering 33 acres, in fact, and was part of a walled Chinese-style pleasure garden built by Emperor Kammu to the south of his main palace. Shinsen-en stretched between Nijo to Sanjo streets.
Due to numerous fires nothing remains of the Emperor Kammu's original structures and the garden has survived as the Tokugawa authorities allowed Toji Temple to construct a sub-temple here along with three small Shinto shrines.
Shinsen-en garden was once the playground of the Heian nobility who held moon-viewing and boating parties on the lake. The name of the street on which Shinsen-en stands, Oike Dori, harks back to the glory days of the garden as it means "Honorable Pond" street.
- source : Japan Visitor -
. The Park of God's Well in Kyoto .
Already during the Heian period, a dragon was believed to live in the park and if you pray sincerely to it, rain would fall.
- source : yokai database -
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