hato 鳩 dove, pidgeon art motives art motives - Taube
. WKD : Pigeon, pidgeon, dove (hato) .
komabato, koma no hato 狛鳩 guardian doves, dove

The dove (hato) in the shrine name board as hachi 八 .
The dove is the messenger of Emperor Ojin (Hachiman).
. Warrior Deity Hachiman 八幡神 .
. MORE - Legends about Hachiman Shrines 八幡宮 / 八幡神社 .
under construction
. hariko 張子 papermachee dolls .

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. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .
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. tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 tsuchiningyo clay dolls .

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dobato, tsuchibato 土鳩 clay pidgeon

Miyake Hachiman tsuchibato 三宅八幡土鳩 clay pidgeon (whistle), Kyoto
This amulet helps with children who cry a lot. Parents by one clay pidgeon, place it on the Shelf of the Deities (kamidana) and pray for their child to get better. When the child is healed, they bring back this one and buy another to keep at home.
Sweet stalls around the shrine also sell hatomochi 鳩餅 rice cakes.
. hatobue 鳩笛 dove flute .
one of the most popular dove items.
. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .

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. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

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. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .
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More art motives
. Dove as netsuke amulet 根付お守り .

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- ABC - List of hato dove art motives from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Nagano

. Zenkooji 善光寺 Zenko-Ji .
. hatoguruma はと車 - 鳩車 dove on wheels .
. . . . . . . . . . Oita
. hatokae shinji 鳩替神事 exchanging dove clay dolls .
Oita at the shrine Usa Jingu 宇佐神宮

Usa Hachimangu no tsuchi hato 宇佐八幡宮の土鳩 clay pidgeon
. mikujibato, mikuji hato みくじ鳩 dove with a fortune-telling lot .
- Legends about hato dove from the Prefectures
yamabato 山鳩 "mountain dove" could be :
kijibato キジバト, 雉鳩 rufous turtledove, Streptopelia orientalis
aobato アオバト, 青鳩, 緑鳩 Japanese green pigeon, reron sieboldii

yamabato - container for soy sauce
There are some monsters with body parts of various animals, dragons, serpents or others.
The head can be of a dove, or the body.
If someone is choking on his spittle, you have to write the character for HATO 鳩 into your left hand and it will be cured. This is because a dove can not choke.
If you offer some food to a clay dove on the shelf, you will not choke on your food.
- - - - - Some sayings about the dove :
If a mountain dove calls out at night, a woman in the village will die.
If a mountain dove calls in the morning, it will rain soon after.
If a mountain dove calls in the evening, the rain will stop soon.
When the mountain dove calls in the morning, the monsters and demons have to retreat.
At a home where a dove has made her nest, the people will become rich.
If you chase a dove, you will never make a good career in society.
If you eat meat of a dove on the coldest day of the year, you will not get vitamin B deficiency 脚気.
. . . . . . . . . . Akita 秋田県
昭和町 Showamachi
yamabato 山鳩 "mountain dove"
Once there lived a father with his only son. They went to the mountain forest to work and took some powdered mochi 餅 rice cakes as food. When the father ate a few bites, he began to choke on the mochi (that is quite common in Japan).
The boy ran home to get some help, but it was to late. When he came back, the father was dead. The boy cried loud.
「父(てで)粉食え 父(てで) 食え」tede kona kue tede kue
This is why the mountain doves in this region still call
てて、こくえ。てて、こくえ - - tete kokue tete kokue
(tede or tete is dialect for father)
. . . . . . . . . . Aomori 青森県
深浦町 Fukaura
In former times the namako 海鼠 (なまこ) sea cucumber, was called KO.
Once a boy was asked by his father to buy some KO. The son gave it to his father and then went off in his boat to go fishing. When he came back, his father was dead. He had became a dove, calling
てで(父)、コ食え tede kokue
(tede or tete is dialect for father)
八戸市 Hachinohe
yamabato 山鳩 "mountain dove"
Once during a famine, poor people used to eat some special straw cut finely and fried just a bit (koke) to make do. A boy went to bring some food like this to his father who worked in the fields. On his way he saw a fish and gave it all of the straw food. When he reached the field his father had died of famine.
The boy cried loudely
テテ、コケ、アッパ言(へ)った - - tete koke apaetta
That is why the doves in this area call out
テテコケ、アッパヘタ - - tetekoke appaheta
. . . . . . . . . . Kanagawa 神奈川県
In the family crest of a nobleman 山本源八郎 from Odawara is a 鳥居に鳩 dove and torii shrine gate.

When something good is going to happen, the doves come to sit on the torii of the nearby shrine. The family was once involved in the dealings of the 新御番 Shinsengumi at the end of the Tokugawa period. At that time, whenever a dove would fly inside the house, someone would get promoted in his work.
- Family crests with doves (家紋 kamon)
- source : 81.secure.ne.jp -
. . . . . . . . . . Kyoto 京都府
. . . . . . . . . . Niigata 新潟県
yamabato 山鳩 "mountain dove"
In most parts of Niigata the farmers know: when the yamabato calls it is time to plant アワ awa foxtail millet.
The bird is even called - awamakidori アワマキドリ
. awa maki 粟蒔 (あわまき) sowing of foxtail millet .
Sado, 金井町 Kanai
Once a boy became ill in his stomach and had to be operated on, but nobody knew the reason. They asked at 八海山 Mount Hakkaisan. It seems a snake had eaten the pet dove of the boy, so he killed the snake, cut its stomach open and tried to save his dove.
A curse of the snake had made him ill. After some exorcism he was healed.
. . . . . . . . . . Okinawa 沖縄県
うるま市 Uruma

hootogaa ホートガー,ホート岩 rock in the form of a dove
At the coast of 津堅島海岸Tsukenjima there is a rock with this name. This rock has nine small "rock children". Once these children were stolen and the Mother Rock cried all day and night. The thief with the stone children in his boat could not move any more and the boat sunk. Even nowadays this rock sometimes cries in sorrow.
. . . . . . . . . . Shiga 滋賀県
余呉町 Yogo
yamabato 山鳩 "mountain dove"
and kyuubi no kitsune 九尾の狐 fox with nine tails
Once a fox with nine tales had come from China, changed into a beautiful woman and became a princess. But then someone made a necklace of the tail feathers of a mountain dove 山鳩の尾羽 and put it around her neck - this was a way to show her real features.
The fox went off to 那須の原 Nasu Highlands and became a rock. The story is told by Matsuo Basho.
Tamamo no Mae 玉藻前 - Tamamo Gozen 玉藻御前
. Sesshoseki 殺生岩 at Nasu Highlands .
Oku no Hosomichi, Station 9
. . . . . . . . . . Shizuoka 静岡県
中川根町 Nakakawane
yanagi ni hato 柳に鳩 willow tree and dove
A man who claimed he was the head priest from temple 建長寺 Kencho-Ji in Kamakura had come the the headman of the village, Sakunojo. The visitor did not like dogs and could not stand people watching him eat. But it seems he was a monster that was almost killed by a dog.
Anyway, this high priest left a painting named "willow tree and dove".

. . . . . . . . . . Tokyo - Edo
. fukubato, fuku hato omamori 福鳩お守り amulet with auspicious dove .
. Ikegami Honmon-Ji 池上本門寺 and Saint Nichiren 日蓮 .
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daija 大蛇 the huge serpent and the dove
Once a white dove from 新島 Niijima island was hunted by a large serpent 大蛇. At mount Sashijiyama 差地山 in the azaleas 躑躅 it hurt its eyes and could not fly any more, so the white dove was killed by the large serpent, which then tried to go on to 三宅島 Miyakejima island.
But on Niijima there was a boshin 母神 Mother deity and Prince Daisan Ooji 大三皇子, son of God 三島明神 Mishima Myojin, who took care of the serpent and destroyed it. Its bones (its head) went to 八丈島 Hachiojima, its tail to 大島 Izu Oshima, its body to Miyakejima , the rest of the corpse stayed on Niijima. That is why at Niijima the snakes to our day never bite humans, at Miyakejima there are no snakes and on mount Sashijiyama the azaleas do not flower any more.
- - -
Once in the time of the old deities
a fisherman had a poor catch day after day and pledged to the 海神 God of the Sea to give him his daughter, if his catch would improve. But soon he regretted his pledge. So he gave his concubine instead of his daughter.
But the huge serpent, messenger from the Deity, could not approve of this betrayal and came to wrap itself around the daughter to kill her. The daughter called on the deities for help and with superhuman power she was helped by a white hawk, a white dove and some insects.
The deities wiped out the serpents from the island, scattered its body in small pieces and thew them into the sea. Still on Miyakejima there are many snakes to our day.
(Another version says the daughter became a white dove and fled to Niijima.)
. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -
yokai database - reference
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #hatodove #dovehato #pidgeon -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 7/20/2015 06:11:00 a.m.
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