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. Legends - Heian Period (794 to 1185) - Introduction .
Daibosatsu legends 大菩薩 伝説 Dai-Bosatsu
- - - and legends about growing walking-sticks
Daibosatsu is obviously a term of Buddhist origin, and refers to a "great kami that has awakened to the Way of the Bodhisattva."
The title daibosatsu is first seen in 781, when the kami Hachiman was honored with the title Gokoku Reigen Iriki Jintsū Daibosatsu ("Great Bodhisattva of National Protection and Marvelous Spirit Power").
From that time, the title daibosatsu has been applied to numerous other kami, including Fuji Sengen Daibosatsu and Tado Daibosatsu.
source : Sato Masato, Kokugakuin, 2005
- quote -
the Eight Great Bodhisattva (Hachi Daibosatsu or Hachi Bosatsu)
who appear in the Taizōkai Mandala and Butsugen Mandala.
Eight Great Bodhisattva (Chn. = Bādà Púsà, Jp. = Hachi Daibosatsu 八大菩薩 or Hachi Bosatsu 八菩薩).
These eight are described in various Mahāyāna texts, wherein their names and attributes differ. The Sutra on the Maṇḍalas of the Eight Great Bodhisattva 八大菩薩曼荼羅經 (Hachi Daibosatsu Mandara Kyō), which was translated by Amoghavajra 不空金剛 in the 8th century and Faxian 法賢 in the 10th century, describes the attributes of each, including their mantra 密言 (secret words), their position in the mandala, the color of their bodies, and their mudra (hand signs). Below we present two different lists. In artwork, these deities appear in the Butsugen Mandala and in the Taizōkai (Womb World) Mandala.

Eight Great Bodhisattva, Sutra of the Maṇḍalas of Eight Great Bodhisattva 八大菩薩曼荼羅經
Kannon Bosatsu 観音 (Skt. = Avalokiteśvara)
Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒 (Skt. = Maitreya)
Kokūzō Bosatsu 虚空蔵 (Skt. = Âkāśagarbha)
Fugen Bosatsu 普賢 (Skt. = Samantabhadra)
Seishi Bosatsu 勢至 (Skt. = Mahāsthāmaprāpta; in Tibet, also appears as Vajrāpani)
Monju Bosatsu 文殊 (Skt. = Mañjuśrī)
Jo Kaishō Bosatsu 除蓋障 (Skt. = Sarvanīvaraṇa Viṣkambhin)
Jizō Bosatsu 地蔵 (Skt. = Kṣitigarbha)
- source : Mark Schumacher -
. Namu Jizo Daibosatsu 南無地蔵大菩薩 .
Namu Jigoku Daibosatsu
. Sengen Daibosatsu 浅間大菩薩 .
The cult of Mount Fuji 富士山 / Mount Sengen.
. Nine Stars Crest ... 九曜紋 ... Kuyoo Mon - kushitsu 九執 .
6 Tuesday, Hachiman Daibosatsu
kayoosei 火曜星(かようせい、八幡大菩薩) (六白金星)
There are also human beings, saints, which received the title "Daibosatsu", some in their lifetime, some posthumously, for their efforts helping humanity.
Jinpen Daibosatsu, Jimpen Daibosatsu 神変大菩薩
. En-no-Gyôja 役行者 Jimpen Dai-Bosatsu, En no Gyoja .
Daibosatsu Rei 大菩薩嶺 Mount Daibosatsu
2,057 m high

Dai-bosatsu tōge 大菩薩峠 Daibosatsu Toge "Daibosatsu Pass"
in Yamanashi
- a serial novel of the same title by Kaizan Nakazato
- a 1957 color Japanese film directed by Tomu Uchida.
- reference -
. Legends about Hachiman Shrines 八幡宮 / 八幡神社 .
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
In the year 720 (養老4年) foreigners invaded Japan and many people were killed.
So Hachiman Daibosatsu ordered for a ritual for their souls, called
hoojoo-e 放生会(ほうじょうえ)Hojo-E, Buddhist ritual of releasing living animals
. Hachiman Matsuri八幡祭 Hachiman Festival .
During the time of Emperor Suzaku 朱雀天皇
and Taira no Masakado 平将門
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県 ....................................................................
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
................................................................. Fukui 福島県 ....................................................................
地蔵大菩薩 Jizo Daibosatsu
................................................................. Ishikawa 石川県 ....................................................................
白山妙理大菩薩 Hakusan Myori Daibosatsu
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
................................................................. Kagawa 香川県 ....................................................................
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
................................................................. Kochi 高知県 ....................................................................
東津野村 Higashi Tsuno mura
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
The village headman wanted to get his married daughter back and almost killed his son-in-law.
He invited him to Jagafuchi 蛇ヶ淵 "Serpent river pool", and hoped the huge serpent 大蛇 would kill him. But the son-in-law killed the serpent with a bullet dedicated to Hachiman Daibosatsu.
The serpent was really huge and it took seven days and deven nights to burn its corpse. The remains of the burns are still to be seen in the ground.
. daija, orochi 大蛇 huge serpent, great snake legends .
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
吾北村 Gohoku son
................................................................. Kyoto 京都府 ....................................................................
kamurogi, tatari 神籬,たゝり the curse
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
................................................................. Shiga 滋賀県 ....................................................................
小野一万大菩薩 Ono Ichiman Daibosatsu
kasezue 鹿杖 "walking stick of deer horn"
shika no tsue 鹿の杖
Once an old man of about 80 years came to the temple of 百済寺 Hyakusai-Ji in Omi. The old man said his name was Ono Ichiman Daibosatsu. He put his walking stick of deer horn into the ground and when the stick grew it became a muku no ki 椋の木 Aphananthe aspera
百済寺 Hyakusai-Ji / 323 Hyakusaijicho, Higashiomi, Shiga
- - - - - HP of the temple
- source : www.hyakusaiji.jp -

. Kuuya Shoonin 空也上人 Saint Kuya (903-72) .
with his walking stick of deer horn.
A legend told by Yanagita Kunio about a walking stick that would grow.
柳田国男 - 杖の成長した話
- with more legends of this kind below.
. - tsue 杖 stick, walking stick - Wanderstab - .
and Matsuo Basho
There are other legends about a growing walking stick told by Yanagida Kunio.
takezue 竹杖 walking stick of bamboo
In Hyogo, 兵庫県, Itami 伊丹町
at the temple 妙宣寺 Myosen-Ji around 1355 Priest Daikaku 大覚僧正 (1297 - 1364) of the Nichiren sect planted his walking stick into the ground.
It became bamboo, but a special sort called sakasadake 逆さ竹 "upside down bamboo", with its branches hanging down. A kind of hachiku 淡竹 bamboo.
A similar legend is also told in 新潟 Niigata at temple 西方寺 Saiho-Ji about the Nichiren priest 親鸞聖人 Saint Shinran.

sakasadake 逆竹 Sakasa-Dake, "weeping bamboo"
Saihooji 西方寺 Saiho-Ji
3 Chome-1-22 Toyano, Chuo Ward, Niigata
. take 竹 bamboo - Introduction .
. Shinran 親鸞 (173 – 1263) .
- - - - -
In Okayama at the Genpin Valley
Priest Genpin stuck his walking stick in the ground and it became a sandalwood tree (byakudan 白檀).
Genpin 玄賓 げんぴん (? - 818)
The legend of Miwa temple says that this was originally a hermitage of the Buddhist priest Genpin, who did not like earthly affairs and moved to the foot of the mountain called Miwa, despite the fact that he was trusted greatly by the Emperor Kanmu and the Emperor Saga.
In Hiroshima at Seiko village 南生口村
|At the temple 松蟲寺 Matsumushi-Dera, 法然上人 Saint Honen left his walking stick and it became a
sandalwood tree (byakudan 白檀).
. Hoonen Shoonin 法然上人 Honen Shonin, Saint Honen .
................................................................. Tokushima 徳島県 ....................................................................
木沢村 Kisawa
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
ryuugon san 竜ゴンさん
................................................................. Tokyo 東京都 ....................................................................
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
In the year 1636 when Matsudaira Naotsugu 松平新五左衛門尉直次 was in charge of the bows and arrows 弓大将, many people begun to practise the Way of the Bow. Since the protector deity of the Tokugawa clan was Hachiman Daibosatsu, this deity was also the deity of the Way of the Bow and thus many 八幡宮 Hachiman Shrines were erected with a hall to practise.
When three "mountain doves" came to sit on branches of the nearby pine tree, people knew they were doing the right thing with the right protector deity.

Hachiman Daibosatsu
in the Hachiman shrine of the mansion of the Owari Tokugawa Family in Ichigaya, Edo
- source : tokugawa-art-museum.jp -
. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art 江戸 民芸 .
................................................................. Tottori 鳥取県 ....................................................................
三朝温泉 Misasa Hot Spring
. Myoken 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu - 妙見大菩薩 Myoken Daibosatsu .

In the year 1164 a retainer of Minamoto no Yoshitomo named 大久保左馬之祐王家 Okubo went to Mount Mitoku san to pray for the country. On the way he met a white wolf, messenger of Myoken San 妙見山 and helped him in distress. At night Myoken Daibosatsu appeared in his dream. He told Okubo that there was a holy spot at the roots of the old camphor tree 老楠. Myoken would pass this on to Okubo if he helped to save people with it.
When Okubo looked the next day, he found the well of a hot spring . . . that was the beginning of Misasa Onsen.
. Mitoku San 三徳山三仏寺 and Misasa Onsen 三朝温泉 .
. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .
. ookami 狼 wolf - Introduction .
hakuroo, shiroi ookami 白狼 white wolf
- 4 legends about Myoken to explore -
................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県 ....................................................................
- Reference in Japanese -
- Reference in English -
yokai database 妖怪データベース
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- #heianlegendsdaibosatsu #daibosatsu -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 7/22/2015 09:47:00 a.m.
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