17 Sept 2015

EDO - tori-oi chasing away birds ritual


. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
torioi, tori-oi, tori oi 鳥追 "chasing away the birds" ritual

tori oi uta 鳥追唄(とりおいうた)鳥追歌 song to chase away the birds,
bird dispersing songs, a kind of magic incantation

A ceremony held on the "Small New Year", now January 14 or 15.

A troupe of kado geinin 門芸人 "artists by the entrance" walked from house to house, performed their ritual songs with Shamisen and got some money in return.
They were active from the first day till the 15th day of the lunar New Year.

torioi (bird chasing),
a ceremony to pray for a rich harvest, which takes place on January 14. In the ceremony, children eat rice cakes in special torioi huts made of snow and then parade through the city beating wooden clappers while singing traditional songs in order to chase away birds that might damage crops.
City of Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture
© web-japan.org/

..... tori oi (tori-oi) 鳥追 "Chasing away the birds".
..... hut, tori-oi goya 鳥追小屋(とりおいごや)
..... tower, tori-oi yagura 鳥追櫓(とりおいやぐら)
..... song, tori-oi uta 鳥追唄(とりおいうた)

tori-oi asobi 鳥追遊び enjoying the Torioi rituals

tori-oi boo 鳥追棒 stick to drive off birds

. WKD - Songs for all seasons .


torioidayuu, tori-oi dayuu 鳥追大夫 (とりおいだゆう)
bird chasing song performer

..... tataki たたき
tataki no Yojiroo 敲の与次郎(たたきのよじろう)

torioi 鳥追い(とりおい) is an observance performed on January 14 or 15 in the villages. To get the birds (and other unwanted animals) out of the fields.

The torioi performers went from village to villate. They wear a straw sack on the back. They get some money for their performance, also some food like mochi. They were not allowed to wear robes of silk, only simple cotton. They had large straw hats to protect them from the rain.

They had special songs, for example

"The crane lives thousand years,
the tortoise lives ten thousand years,
when they come together,
we all live long prosperous lives."


Torioi Kannon 鳥追観音

The Torioi Kannon statue was made by priest Gyoki with the wish to show people an east pass-over to the paradise of Amida.

at the temple
. Myoohooji 妙法寺 Myoho-Ji . Fukushima, Aizu
The temple was founded by priest Tokuitsu in 807.


Tori-oi in the Kazusa region 上総地方, Chiba 千葉県

. hoojari ほうじゃり Hojari amulets .


torioibune, torioi-bune 鳥追舟 the Torioi Bird Chasing Boat
a Noh play from the Muromachi period

Tsukioka Kogyo

- reference - torioibune -


CLICK for more photos !


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

jinken no torioigasa no shuke no himo

the vermillion cord
from artificial silk
of the Bird-Chasing straw hat

Tr. Gabi Greve

竹下しづの女 Takeshita Shizunojo (1887 - 1951)
A member of Hototogisu -


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 9/14/2015 09:40:00 a.m.

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