15 Sept 2015

MINGEI - kites from Akita


Akita no tako 秋田の凧 kites from Akita

beraboo tako ベラボー凧 with a face sticking out the tongue
from Noshiro 能代市

They have a long tradtion. It is said Sakanoue Tamuramaro used them during the fights with the Emishi in Tohoku. The kite was a sign for the harbour, seen by ships far away.
During the Edo period, they became "fighting kites" in competitions.

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .

managu tako まなぐ凧 "kite with big eyes"
painted only with black Chinese ink. managu is the local dialect for manako 目玉 eyeball.
from Yuzawa 湯沢.
It is a kind of the type of Berabo kites, the face of someone doing the アカンベー "akanbee" face. (Japanese facial gesture indicating childish mockery .. It consists of someone pulling down one's lower eyelid to expose the red underside towards someone, often accompanied by the person sticking their tongue out.)

- - - - - and even as a brand-name for sake rice wine:

爛漫(秋田銘醸) まなぐ凧シリーズ


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