24 Oct 2015

EDO - Kamakura cho and riverbank



. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸 .

Kanda Kamakurachoo 神田鎌倉町
"Kamakura Village" in Kanda, Chiyoda ward
Kamakuragashi 鎌倉河岸 ー 鎌倉川岸
Kamakura riverbank, Kamakura waterfront

At the beginning of the Edo period, when the town was just re-structured by Tokugawa Ieyasu, a lot of construction wood and stones came via the Kamakura region (Sagami no kuni 相模国), with workers coming from Kamakura to heop unloaded at Kamakuragashi. The tradespeople built their homes nearby, soon called Kamakura village. In a map of 1657, it is mentioned as 「かまくら丁」.
Ieyasu also had the Koora ke 甲良家 Kora family from Omi settle here . The head of the Kora family was a master carpenter (daitooryoo 大棟梁) and helped build Edo castle, Senso-Ji and other famous temples, even the 日光東照宮 Nikko Toshoku shrine.

There are some legends alive in the village.
御宿稲荷神社 Mishuku Inari Jinja
浦安稲荷神社 Urayasu Inari Jinja
出世不動尊 Shusse Fudo
昔、Shioiri 潮入りの葦原 (Ashihara)だったこのあたりで、漁業を営む人々が篤(あつ)い信仰を寄せていた「浦安稲荷神社」も、かつてはこの町にありました。この祠は、天 保(てんぽう)十四年(1843年)に遷座(せんざ)され、現在は神田明神の境内にあります。
「出世不動尊」は、一橋(ひとつばし)徳川家の表鬼門除(おもてきもんよ)けとして祀(まつ)られていたといわれています。本尊は、平安時代の僧智証大師 (ちしょうだいし)の作と伝えられています。不動尊前の「出世不動通り」は、当時毎月二十七日に縁日が開かれ、たいへんな盛況だったようです。
now 内神田二丁目1番
- source : Chiyoda Ward Tokyo -

One famous store in Kanda Kamakura Village was the sake store
Toshimaya 豊島屋 (としまや)
It begun selling some snacks and a cup of sake to the workers in the evening, thus being the first "Izakaya 居酒屋" pub in Edo.
Soon other yatai 屋台 food and drink stalls came up in many parts of Edo.

Since 1596 in Edo
Toshimaya, the oldest sake store in Tokyo, originated when its founder, 豊島屋十右衛門 Toshimaya Juemon, opened a sake store and tavern in 1596 at Kamakura Waterfront in central Edo (modern day Tokyo). At that time, large-scale renovation work was being carried out on Edo Castle, so people flocked to Kamakura Waterfront, and Toshimaya is said to have prospered enormously.

Furthermore, when Juemon began brewing shirozake (white sake), its reputation spread throughout Edo. Shirozake is a sweet rice liqueur that was popular with women at the time. Indeed, it was from this time that the Japanese custom of offering shirozake on Girls' Day, the annual event during which people pray for girls' healthy growth, is said to have begun. As a result, Toshimaya's shirozake is cited in many novels and traditional Japanese Kabuki plays. Even today, Toshimaya preserves the traditional recipes and makes shirozake once a year.

Nowadays, our sake brewery is located in Higashi-Murayama City in west Tokyo, where sake, shirozake and mirin (sweet cooking sake) are brewed. Our sake, Kinkon (Golden Wedding Anniversary in English), has been awarded numerous gold prizes at the Annual Japan Sake Awards, and is used as the sacred sake at the famous Meiji Jingu Shrine as well as Kanda Myojin Shrine. Kinkon is skillfully produced by our brewers and, as one of Tokyo's representative sakes, it brings value to many of our customers.
- source : toshimaya.co.jp -


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