24 Oct 2015

MINGEI from Chiba

.................................................................................................................................................................. Mobara town 茂原市

Mutsuzawa machi 睦沢町芝原
Shibahara tsuchi ningyoo 芝原土人形 Shibahara clay dolls
Shibahara ningyoo 芝原人形 Shibahara dolls

They are made like Imado clay dolls 今戸人形 since the late Edo period by Tanaka Kinzoo 田中錦(金)造. He was a scholar of Confucian learning and made these dolls in the time when farmers were not busy. Many figures were made with the technique of making roof tiles.
Inside is a small clay ball that makes a sound when the dolls are shaken.
The Tanaka family :
田中錦造 Kinzo (初代)-春吾 ?Harugoro(二代目 錦造の長男)-謙治 Kenji(三代目 錦造の次男)
In 1916 Kenji separated and started his own business. In 1955 he became an important cultural master of Chiba prefecture. He had no follower so the line ended with him.
But later the clan decided to carry on and 千葉惣次 became the fourth doll maker.
There are now about 130 different motives, 70 of them made by Kinzo. 45 are from the Imado motives.
They are painted with light colors like the original Imado dolls. Most have some red around the eyes.

. doll of Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 .

source : plaza.across.or.jp/~t-matusita/
san sukumi, sansukumi 三すくみ / 三竦 "a three way deadlock" of ideas
by 田中謙次.
In Kabuki, this is a combination of a snake, which eats a toad, which eats a slug, whose slime is poisonous to the snake. It represents the circle of deaths by disliking.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Honno no ema 本納の絵馬 / 本納絵馬 votive tablets from Honno village

They are a special cultural property of the prefecture.
The paintings have the refinement of Japanese paintings.
Many are made by the painter 矢部宏 Yabe Hiroshi, now in the 5th generation.
The pieces are well fitted for interior decorations.

Mobara City Museum of Art and Local History
茂原市立美術館・郷土資料館 / 1345-1 Takashi, Mobara, Chiba
- source : city.mobara.chiba.jp -


sodedako, sode-dako, sode tako 袖凧 fisherman's coat kite
"sleeve kite", sode kite - (in form of a happi coat or kimono)
with various motives, sometimes warriors.
It has a hummer on the top and needs strong wind to fly and produce a sound.
They are flown to pray for the health and upbringing of healthy children.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! ">. . . CLICK here for Japanese Photos !
.reference : kazusatako .

. photos of "sode-dako" .


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