17 Nov 2015

YAKUSHI - Yakushi Legends Nagano

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

- - - - - Nagano 長野県 - - - - -


上伊那郡 Kami Inagun 長谷村 Hasemura 長谷杉島 Hase Sugishima

Yakushi sama 薬師様 at 戸倉山 Togurayama (Togura-Yama)
At Togurayama there was a statue of Yakushi, and an old monk took care of it. But the the old monk died and Yakushi became very lonely. So he flew to the temple Hooonji 報恩寺 Hoon-Ji in 杉島 Sugishima hamlet to the large gingko tree いちょうの木.
When the priest came out the next morning, he saw a heavenly light shining from behind the gingko tree. He knew a deity had come down and worshipped the tree from now on.

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yabuya3

This Yakushi statue stands all alone on Mount Togurayama, in heat and cold, shine and snow.
On the 西峰 Western Peak of the Mountain range, there is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O to be worshipped.

上伊那郡 Kami Inagun 高森町 Takamori

. 大島山瑠璃寺 Ojimasan Ruri-Ji .
and the legend about the weeping cherry trees
. Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝 (1147 - 1199).

ーーーーー Another legend to enjoy at this temple
. Neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and the Cat .

木曽郡 Kiso gun 木祖村 Kiso village

The Yakushi Hall had been burned down by a fire and even the ground around it was burned. Only two heaps of dried grass had not burned. When the farmers took a closer look, they found the statue of Yakushi inside one of them. It seems the deity walked there all by itself.

北安曇郡 Kita Azumi gun 小谷村 Otani

Arabiru kamisama あらびる神様 / 荒びる The Wild Deity and 薬師様
Once upon a time
there lived a very wild and rough deity in the village and all had a hard time. But Yakushi managed to calm the deity down and had a Yakushi Hall build on top of the spot.
The villagers were still afraid of the wild deity. Sometimes the ground below the veranda of the temple rises to a mound, and whoever touches that spot will be cursed.

松川町 Matsukawa village

お薬師様,稲荷 Yakushi and Inari
Once a man and a woman stayed over night in the temple. The woman had fallen down and uttered a divine oracle.
"The old priest here had once been the Lord of a castle in his former life. A young monk had killed the Lord. Therefore the relationship of the old and young priest here is quite un-normaland in discord. If they build a shrine for Inari, the Fox Deity, all will be well."
The two priests of the temple did as told and from then on there was peace among them.

松本市 Matsumoto

The Yakushi of 下金井 Shimokanai is said to be female and grant the wish for children. It also forgives いたずら all the bad deeds of children. But if grown-ups behave bad, they will feel her punishment.
Once there was a grown-up who scolded the children who threw mud ad the statue. That grown-up became ill soon afterwards.

Once the governor of Shinano, Minamoto no Shigeyuki 信濃の国司 - 源重之 (? - 1000) became an eye disease. He went to the hot spring 白糸温泉 Shiraito for healing and went to the nearby Yakushi temple every day. And indeed, his eyes were healed in good time. To thank Yakushi he had the temple rebuild a bit further down on the plain of Shimokanai.

Minamoto no Shigeyuki 源重之 (? - 1000)
an early Heian waka poet and nobleman.

He was designated a member of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals and one of his poems is included in the famous anthology Hyakunin Isshu. His remaining works include a poetry collection known as the Shigeyukishū (重之集).
- source : wikipedia -


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
56 (06)


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. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 11/14/2015 10:14:00 a.m.

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