17 Nov 2015

YAKUSHI - Yakushi Onsen


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yakushi Onsen 薬師温泉 Hot Springs named Yakushi
Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 - Yakushi Yu 薬師湯

. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .
- Introduction -

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. Place Names with Yakushi Nyorai .

湯権現社 - 宝光寺 - 平井村 - 本地 Incarnation of Fudo Myo-O 不動明王
湯権現社 境内、裏門の辺にあり、 不動の木像を神体とす、 前に出せし温泉鎮護の為に勧請する処なりと云、 鳥居に鹿湯大権現の五字を扁せり、 社前に石灯籠一基あり、 銘に武州多磨郡平井郷塩沢山湯権現宝前、従五位下溝口豊前守源信勝、貞享三丙寅年十一月如意日、溝口源左衛門と鐫す
- source : xxx -

Hashiriyu Gongen 走湯権現

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Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 / Yakushiyu 薬師湯 Yakushi Hot Spring
お薬師さん 温泉 - Yakushi and Onsen Hot springs

There are various hot springs including the name of Yakushi.


There are many hot springs with this name in Japan.
Here is a growing ABC list of the prefectures.

....................................................................... Aomori 青森県

. Osorezan 恐山 薬師の湯 Yakushi no Yu onsen hot spring .

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県

. Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring Spa .
Onsenji 温泉寺 Onsen-ji and Yakushi

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県

群馬県の薬師温泉 Yakushi Onsen in Gunma

Located in the remotest part of the Asama-Kakushi Onsen Area
3330-20 Motojuku, Higashiagatsuma-machi, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma

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Kayabuki no Sato Yakushi Onsen Hatago
Located in the mountains of Gunma, Yakushi Onsen Hatago realized fairly early on the piece that it was important ? if not essential ? to preserve the traditional elements of a specific locality as much as possible. The owners of the rustic onsen decided to go one step further and make such vestiges the main attraction.

The hotel's roots can be traced all the way back to the late-18th century, when a monk stumbled across the remote hot spring inn whilst making his spiritual journey across the country. Its trademark hospitality was the same back then as it is now, offering all guests a clean, warm environment, personal attention and simple fresh cuisine.
So idyllic is the location that it's easy to imagine the monk made a return journey along the same route.
- source : www.yakushi-hatago.co.jp -

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県

Tanba Sasayama Onsen 丹波篠山温泉 - Konda Yakushi Onsen こんだ薬師温泉
(photo at the top of this page)

The Onsen is located on a small hill, on its top is a sanctuary for Yakushi Nyorai.
At the bottom of the hill is the Konda Yakushi Onsen.
One of its hot bath's is made of 丹波焼 Tanbayaki pottery. The outdoor hot bath is made with special stones from the area, 丹波石.

兵庫県篠山市今田町今田新田21-10 - Nukumori no Sato
- source : yume-konda.com -

....................................................................... Mie 三重県

Yunomine Onsen 湯の峰温泉 and Oguri Hangan - 和歌山県 Wakayama is a related location.

熊野市 Kumano
The samurai 小栗判官 Oguri Hangan had been given poison by his enemies and turned almost into a gaki 餓鬼 hungry demon. Yakushi Nyorai appeared in his dream and told him to go to Yunomine Hot Spring to be healed.

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Legend of Hangan Oguri
A long time ago,the Oguri clan built a castle in Hitachi (present-day Kyowa,Makabe-gun,Ibaraki).
According to "Kamakura Daizoshi",Oguri allied with Uesugi when Shuzen Uesugi rebelled some 600 years ago (1415) in Kanto,only to be defeated by Mochiuji Ashikaga.
Mitsushige, Lord of Oguri Castle,and his son Sukeshige (Hangan Oguri) fled for Migawa where the Oguri clan lived. While hiding in Sugami,Oguri was poisoned by thieves at Gongen-do Temple.

Healed by the Tsuboyu Waters of Yunomine

However, he was saved by a maiden named Terute 照手姫. He then fled to Fujisawa on an unbroken horse where he was aided by the Priest Yugyo. Later,Oguri became ill,but with the guidance of Yugyo and the sympathy of many including Terute,he made a pilgrimage to Kumano where the protection of Deities and the healing waters of Yunomine nursed him back to health.
Oguri was the 15th Lord of the Oguri Castle,but was ultimately killed in battle against Nariuji Ashikaga.
It is believed that a shrine maiden from Oguri's home country of Hitachi created the heroic epic to console the spirit of the ruined Oguri clan. From historical fact,the story became legend and was ultimately told time and time again.
- source : hongu.jp/en/kumano-kodo -

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県

田沢温泉 Tazawa Onsen

There is a shrine dedicated to the Onsen, 湯源権現社.


Yakushi Kan 薬師館 Yakushi Hotel
at the foot of Mount Asama

The hot spring was founded in the Edo period by the lord of Komuro castle 小諸城. In former timed during the memorial day for Yakushi Nyorai there was a festival where many people met and many young couples found each other.
So to our day this Yakushi is famous for bringing together people.

- source : www.yakushikan.com -

小諸市 Komoro

Hishinomura no nana fushigi 菱野村の七不思議
Yakushi no koomyoo 薬師湯の光明 the rays of Yakushi

Yakushiyu has been found by 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi Kukai.
And even 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo has bathed here.

Omachi Onsen - 薬師の湯 Yakushi no Yu

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Yakushi-no-Yu is Omachi Onsen's main bathhouse.

One of the indoor baths is pure onsen water but the temperature was so low, nobody was bathing in it. Instead, everyone was in the larger indoor bath which is heated and recirculated. The outdoor bath was spacious but would have been more enjoyable if it had a view of the Alps. The outdoor bath made of river rocks is only operating in the summer.
- source : www.go-nagano.net
松本市 Matsumoto

. Shiraito Onsen 白糸温泉 .

....................................................................... Oita 大分県

清寧山 Seineizan Kankaiji 観海寺 - Kankai-Ji

. Onsen Yakushi 温泉薬師 "Yakushi Nyorai of the Hot Spring .
Empress Gensho Tenno 元正天皇 and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県
邇摩郡 Nima district - 温泉津 Yunotsu Hot Spring

Yakushi no men 薬師の面 mask of Yakushi
To have the mask of Yakushi at the tempel 山田寺 Yamadadera laquered anew, the mask was sent to Kyoto to a certain craftsman. This man knew that things made from this tree would eventually make him a rich man, so he made a mask from a different wood and tried to sent it back.
But the mask became very angry about this, so he threw it into the sea and told it to find its way back to Yamadera in 八代 Yashiro. The mask landed at the beach of 温泉津 Yunotsu village. A child picked it up and began to dance with it, when the headman of Yashiro village saw her and took the mask home.
That night he had a dream when the makuragami 枕神 "god of the dream pillow", with the mask appeared by his bedside and told him to bring the mask back to the temple Yamadadera.

....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県

. Yoshioka Onsen 吉岡温泉 Hot Spring .
The Elder Ashioka 葦岡長者

....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県

Hanayama Onsen 花山温泉 Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯

Kansai's strongest Therapeutic Hydrogen Carbonate Hot Spring Hanayama Onsen Yakushi no Yu is very close to Wakayama Interchange and its features are a high density of active elements and the reddish brown water of an iron carbonate onsen. The water temperature from the source is 26ºC. By alternately soaking in the source bath and the large public bath that is heated to 42ºC, it is possible to obtain even further effects from bathing.
574 Narukami Wakayama City
- source : www.hanayamaonsen.com -


- - - - - reference - - - - -

- reference : yokai database nichibun -

- reference : 薬師温泉 -

- reference : 薬師の湯 / 薬師湯 -


aobakage yakushi ruriko no ideyu tozo

shade under green leaves -
that's just right for a hot bath
of Yakushi Nyorai

高橋睦郎 Takahashi Mutsuo (1937 - )

the most prominent and prolific male poets, essayists, and writers of contemporary Japan, with more than three dozen collections of poetry, several works of prose, dozens books of essays, and several major literary prizes to his name.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


kakkoo ya yama no yu no yakushi san no shiroi shooji

this cuckoo -
a Yakushi hot spring in the mountains
with white sliding doors

Hagiwara Seisensui 荻原井泉水 (1884 - 1976)
pen name of Ogiwara Tōkichi


sarusuberi chiru yu no machi no yakushi doo

the Yakushi Hall
in a hot spring town
where crape myrtle is scattering

増田善昭 Masuda Yoshiaki


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. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 7/08/2015 09:38:00 a.m.

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