30 Nov 2015

MINGEI - Fukui prefecture



Fukui Folk Art - 福井県 

Echizen 越前, old name of the domain

Tsuruga 敦賀, a traditional harbour

Wakasa 若狭 

. Wakasa shrines and Hiko hohodemi no mikoto.

. Yao Bikuni 八百比丘尼 "Buddhist nun for 800 years .
ningyo 人魚, "human fish", often translated as "mermaid"


Eiheiji 永平寺 Temple Eihei-ji

surikogi dorei すりこぎ土鈴 clay bell like a wooden pestle

On the bell is the inscription

身をけずり 人につくさん すりこぎの その味知れる 人ぞとおとし

Become like a wooden pestle,
grind yourself to the bone
in the good work for others.

. Eihei-Ji Temple 永平寺 - Introduction .

Fukui town 福井

take ningyoo 竹人形 dolls from bamboo

Echizen take ningyoo 越前竹人形 bamboo dolls from Echizen
- reference -

(The village of bamboo dolls) / 越前竹人形の里
source : www.takeningyo.com

. take gangu 竹玩具 bamboo toys and dolls .

Mikuni village 三国町

tsuchi ningyoo 三国土人形 clay dolls from Mikuni
They are similar to the clay dolls from Takefu, see below.

Obama town 小浜

Unpin ningyoo 雲浜(うんぴん)人形 Unpin dance dolls
雲浜獅子舞 Unpin lion dance dolls

Every year at the Boy's festival in May a performance was held at the Castle of Obama. This dance had been handed down from Kawagoe in Musashi via the lord Sakai Tadakatsu 酒井忠勝 (1587 - 1662).
One child lion is accompanied by two loving adult lion dancers.
Later the memory of the dancers has turned into dolls as local souvenirs, but now they have died out.

. Shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head mask .

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tamago ningyoo たまご人形 doll made from an egg

The face is painted, and cloth is draped around the egg to make small figures of dancers or historical heros. Many relate to Kabuki actors.

. Egg dolls from Oita, Takeda town .

Takefu city  武生市
The city was established on April 1, 1948.
On October 1, 2005, Takefu, along with the town of Imadate (from Imadate District), was merged to create the city of Echizen 越前市.

Takefu tsuchi ningyoo 武生土人形 clay dolls from Takefu

They are made like the Fushimi dolls from Kyoto, but with very simple features and few colors. They were often made by blacksmiths during the winter months. Now their craft has died out.

Similar to the deity Daikoku, this is a child on a bale of rice, holding an auspicious hammer.


Takefu Chrysanthemum Doll Festival たけふ菊人形
Early October to early November

Takefu is the best known for chrysanthemum dolls. There are about 8,000 pots containing flower varieties like Ogiku, Kogiku and Kengai on display.

The Kiku Ningyo hall exhibits dolls with splendid Chrysanthemum decorations portraying old stories. This event also offers a play land with a revue in a large theatre, as well as outdoor stage shows, jungle coaster and all-you-can-eat buffet.
- source : fuku-e.com/lang -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
from 坂口村 Sakaguchi Village, Takefu Town

- general

大蛇,池の主 Daija Ike no Nushi
ある爺さんが田が乾いて困り、蛇ヶ池の主に、雨を降らせてくれたら3人の娘のうち1人を嫁に差し上げると約束した。はたして雨が降り、主は娘を迎えに来 た。末の娘が嫁入りすることになり、針の袋を持って出た。男が池に入ろうとしたところを突き落とし、針の復路を投げ入れたら水が騒ぎ出した。数日して爺さ んの家が火事になった。すると2匹の大蛇が出て来て家に巻きつき、水をくれと言ったが、村人は驚いて逃げてしまったので、蛇は焼け死んでしまった。
雨乞いは1930年ごろまでやっていた。朝、区長等が暗いうちに酒を持ってヤシャが池に行き、カワラケにトウスミ(灯心)を入れて火を灯して池に浮かべ、 酒を池にあける。蛇が酒を飲みに来るとカワラケが引っくり返り、1時間以内に雨が降ったという。ひっくり返らないときは駄目なので、諦めて帰る。村人はそ の間庵寺に集まって太鼓を鳴らし、酒を飲んで待っている。

地獄の釜の蓋あけ,鬼,死んだ人 Jigoku no kama

神隠し Kamikakushi

カワソ大権現 Kawaso Daigongen

黒入道 Kuronyuudoo, Kuro Nyudo

天狗,山の神 Tengu, Yama no Kami
山の神様は1月9日と12月9日に祭る。山の神は天狗だといい、この日は10時までに山に行くと必ず怪我をするので、行ってはいけない。山の神が来年の種 をまくからとか、山の木の種を拾っているからとか、山の木をどれだけ切ったか調べるからだとか、山に入った者を騙すからだとかいう。

- source : nichibun yokai database -

Tsuruga town 敦賀

. Kehi Jingu 気比神宮 The famous Kehi Shrine .

source : きびぱぱ

CLICK for more photos !

桃太郎神 Momotaro as Deity

At the eaves of the old shrine building there was a carving of a peach split in two by the figure of a Deity.
The old shrine building was lost in the war, but figures of this "Peach Boy Deity" are now made as amulets to ward off evil and protect the family.

. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy .

Wakasa 若狭

. Wakasa Daruma 若狭のだるま .
and menoo agate stone figurines 瑪瑙
and urushi Wakasa laquer ware 漆

Yoshizaki town 吉崎

. Yoshizaki Gobo onimen 吉崎の御坊鬼面 demon masks from Yoshizaki Gobo .

yome odoshi men 嫁おどし面 maks to scare the bride


. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Isamu Folk Toys .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .

- #fukui #tsuruga #wakasa #Takefu -

. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Fukui

. Fukui Folk Toys - this BLOG .

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



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