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Kajiwara Kagesue 梶原景季
梶原源太景季 Kajiwara Genta Kagesue
(1162 - February 6, 1200)

also known as Kajiwara Kagetoki, was a samurai in service to the Minamoto clan during the Genpei War of Japan's late Heian period.
The Heike monogatari records an anecdote about a friendly competition with Sasaki Takatsuna prior to the second battle of Uji.
Mounted on Yoritomo's black horse, Surusumi, he races Takatsuna across the River Uji.

Kagesue met death in Suruga at the hands of men loyal to Minamoto no Yoriie.
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Kajiwara Kagesue 梶原景季 / 梶原景時 Kagetoki
(1162 - February 6, 1200),
was a samurai in service to the Minamoto clan during the Genpei War of Japan's late Heian period.
The Heike monogatari records an anecdote about a friendly competition with Sasaki Takatsuna prior to the second battle of Uji. Mounted on Yoritomo's black horse, Surusumi, he races Takatsuna across the River Uji.

Kajiwara Kagesue, Sasaki Takatsuna, and Hatakeyama Shigetada racing to cross the Uji River before the second battle of Uji,
by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.
Kagesue met death in Suruga at the hands of men loyal to Minamoto no Yoriie.
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梶原稲荷神社 Kajiwara Inari Shrine
relocated here in 1320.

- source and more photos : gogohiderin.blog.fc2.com -
Kajiwara Kagetoki 梶原景時 (?1140 ( ?1162) - 1200)
In the village of 八王子村 Hachioji there is a pine named Kajiwara sugi 梶原杉 Kajiwara Pine.
It grew from a walking staff of Kagetoki, who had cut it out at Shrine 鎌倉八幡 Kamakura Hachimangu and planted it in the compound of this village.
The remains are venerated to our day:

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Kajiwara Kagetoki (梶原 景時, c.1162 – February 6, 1200)
was a spy for Minamoto no Yoritomo in the Genpei War, and a warrior against the Taira. He came to be known for his greed and treachery.
"A prominent eastern warrior", he supplied Yoshitsune with a number of ships after the Battle of Yashima.
Originally from Suruga province,
Kajiwara entered the Genpei War fighting under Oba Kagechika, against the Minamoto.

After the Taira victory at Ishibashiyama in 1181, he was sent to pursue the fleeing Minamoto no Yoritomo. Having discovered him, Kajiwara switched sides, leading his forces in another direction, and turning to Yoritomo's cause.
Three years later,
Kajiwara would lead the forces of Minamoto no Yoshitsune and Yoritomo into battle against their cousin Yoshinaka, and against the Taira.
Attached to Yoshitsune's force,
Kajiwara reported back to Yoritomo on Yoshitsune's actions, in order to satisfy Yoritomo's suspicion and distrust of his brother. In one particular episode related in The Tale of the Heike, Kajiwara suggests, during the Battle of Yashima, that Yoshitsune equip the Minamoto ships with "reverse oars" should they need to retreat quickly. Yoshitsune responds with distaste to Kajiwara's advice, humiliating him by saying such an act would be cowardice. From that point until Yoritomo's death, the resentful Kajiwara did as much as he could to raise tensions between the brothers. His slander led Yoritomo, already suspicious of his younger brother, to eventually accuse Yoshitsune of plotting against the bakufu, which then led to his exile and eventual death.
Even after this,
when the shogunate was successfully and firmly established, Kajiwara still caused tensions at court. He accused Yuki Tomomitsu of plotting against the Shogun Minamoto no Yoriie; a number of members of the court tried to get rid of him, who eventually left for Suruga. The following year (1200), he was defeated and killed in battle along with his son Kagesue.
Kajiwara Heima, a senior retainer of the Aizu domain in the 19th century, claimed descent from Kagetoki. His formal name, Kagetake (景武) shares a character with Kagetoki's name.
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source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp
About 24 cm high. Made by 前刀鍵蔵 Sakito Kagizo
【ひらかな盛衰記】Hirakana Seisuiki
. Inuyama tsuchi ningyo 犬山土人形 clay dolls from Inuyama - Aichi .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝 had given Kajiwara a special horse named 磨墨 Surusumi.
It was also called Baseki 馬石 "the Stone Horse".
waka no toku 和歌の徳 the virtue of Waka poetry
Waka poetry can move heaven and earth and bring the kishin 鬼神 "Demon Deity" alive.
Once Minamoto no Yoritomo was hunting near Mount Asama, when suddenly a strong rain begun to fall.
His retainer Kajiwara composed a kyoka 狂歌 funny waka poem and very soon the sun came back.
. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神 "Oni Deity", "Demon Deity" .
Yoritomo presented Kagesue with the horse 磨墨 Surusumi.
When Kagesue died 駿河の狐崎 in Suruga at Kitsunezaki, the horse ate 笹葉 Kumasasa leaves and died there too.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- Reference - 梶原景季 -
- Reference - Kajiwara Kagesue -
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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 9/20/2017 01:23:00 pm
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