. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
funadama 船玉 / 船霊 / 船魂 guardian deity of a boat
funadama san 船玉さん / フナダマサン / funatama フナタマ

the Goddess of the ocean, widely worshipped by Japanese fishermen. Her shrines are niches made in the masts of ships where many items are kept. She grants good catches!
Suijin, a water Goddess, often has shrines at lakes, ponds, springs and wells. She is sometimes said to take the form of fish or large, sometimes white, snakes. Women play a key role in her worship and a few large shrines (Suitengu in Tokyo, for example) are primarily focused on helping pregnant women deliver safely.
In the original Japanese Shinto Religion, there are many versions of a God of Water, which shows how important water is to a rice planting agricultural society.
Here are just a few, this will be subject to further checking.
市杵嶋姫神 いちきしまひめのかみ Ichiki Shima Hime no Kami
闇淤加美神 くらおかみのかみ。水の神・龍神様。Kurao Kami no Kami, Kura Okami Dragon Deity
高淤加美神 たかおかみのかみ。水の神・龍神様。Takao Kami no Kami, Dragon Deity (淤加美神 Okami no Kami)
宗像の神 むなかたのかみ。海上交通の神様。水の神様。Munakata no Kami
罔象女神 みづはのめのかみ。水を司る神。雨乞いの神。Mizuha no Me no Kami
source to read : (Records of Ancient Matters)
. Mizuhanome 水速女命 Female Deity of Water .
. Munakata no Kami 宗像の神 - The Munakata Shinto Belief .
Shrine Munakata Taisha (宗像大社), Fukuoka
Ichikishima Hime-no-Kami (市杵島姫神)
. Suijin sama 水神様 Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様 .
. Ryuujin 龍神, 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon God .

"Sea Theologies: Elements for a Conceptualization of Maritime Religiosity in Japan"
Fabio Rambelli
A glaring blind-spot in Japanese religious studies is the lack of attention dedicated to conceptual (and theological) elements in sea-based beliefs and practices. As a consequence, we know very little about the theology of the sea and sea deities dwelling in the abyss. This talk will focus on three different aspects of sea-related cults: the role of the sea in the Nakatomi no harae great purification ritual, the status of treasure ships (takarabune), and the nature of boat spirits (funadama). These three elements are normally treated separately, and are not explored in their theological and philosophical implications, but the talk will show that, when combined, they offer a unique perspective on Japanese maritime religiosity as it was practiced and imagined by different agents and groups: fishing communities (as in the case of funadama), ritual specialists and intellectuals (in the commentaries on the Nakatomi no harae), and larger communities (as in the images of takarabune associated with widespread cults of the seven gods of good fortune or shichifukujin). It will be argued that these three elements function as semiotic shifters−representations and agents of change, transformation, and movement, all features of maritime religiosity.
- - - - - Lecture in Kyoto, May 30, 2017
- source : zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/institute ... -
funadama sama 船霊さま amulets for Funadama
funadama 船霊は「船玉、船魂」

The one's from Chiba are top left.
Top right are from Shizuoka, bottom left from Wakayama (mamoribina 守り雛), bottom right from Okayama.
They are a pair of hina dolls made from paper.
They are an amulet to protect the boatsmen.
. Folk Toys from Chiba .
. Funadama Jinja 船魂神社 - Hakodate, Hokkaido
and 波分不動明王 Namiwake Fudo Myo-O
Funadama Jinja 船玉神社
神奈川県藤沢市大鋸 / Daigiri, Fujisawa, Kanagawa
- - - - - Deity in residence - - - - -
弟橘姫命 Oto Tachibanahime no Mikoto
shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets
諸願成就、水難除け、海上・交通安全、旅行安全 for safety at sea and on the road, and when traveling
The main festival is on May 15.
- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : buccyake-kojiki.com/archives -
船玉神社 Funatama Jinja
大阪府大阪市住吉区住吉 Osaka, Sumiyoshi ward

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
猿田彦神 Sarutahiko
天鳥船神 Amenotorifune no Kami (鳥之石楠船神 Torinoiwa Kusufune no Kami)
shuin 朱印 stamp

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- reference source : kamnavi.jp/en/settu/funatama..
Funadamaguu 船玉宮 Funadama Gu
福井県吉崎御坊 Fukui Yoshizaki Gobo
Yoshizaki-gobō was a temple in the town of Arawashi, Sakai District.
It is best known for its connection to Rennyo, the founder of the Ikkō sect of Buddhism.

As a protector deity, it has various names from Shinto and Buddhist background:
舟玉神 Funadama Shin /船玉宮 Funadama Gu / 船玉明神 Funadama Myojin / 船玉権現 Funadama Gongen
船玉菩薩 Funadama Bosatsu
- reference source : Kazuo on facebok -
Funadama matsuri 船玉祭 / 船玉まつり Festivals for Funadama
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Funadama matsuri 船玉祭 Festival of the Ship's Treasures
Maso Festival 媽祖祭 - Soofukuji 崇福寺 Temple Sofuku-Ji, Nagasaki
Hoodoosan Jinja 宝登山神社 Hodosan Jinja in Saitama, August 15.
This boat festival at Nagatoro 長瀞 dates back to the Tokugawa period. Travelers from Chichibu used to raft down to Edo and prayed at the shrine for safe passage along the Arakawa river.
Funadama kofun 船玉古墳 Funatama burial mound
Ibaraki, Chikusei

- reference source : city.chikusei.lg.jp... -
. kofun jidai 古墳時代 burial mound period - 250 to 538 .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Funadama 船魂
The Funadama is an incarnation of 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon with 11 Heads.
People put some femail hair in the box, two dice for the 双六 Sugoroku game and 45 coins of 大観通宝 Daikan Tsuho. The box is fastened under 帆柱 the main sail supporting mast.
The dice have to be placed carefully: 1 up, 6 down and 2 facing the inside of the boat.
. sugoroku 双六 Sugoroku board game .
. Funadama and Umibozu 海坊主 legends .
Funadama Sama 船魂様
The female Funadama Sama does not like just one woman in a boat. If a woman has to use it by herself, she usually keeps a doll to appease the Deity.
The box is fastened under the main sail supporting mast, see above.
Funatama 船霊
This Funatama likes gambling, so eight coins and a borad of the game 双六 Sugoroku are seen as its 神体 Divine Representation.
It does not like kuchinawa くちなわ serpents. Before something bad happens or sometimes a few days before that, it makes the sound チリンチリン chirin-chirin to announce the event.
bakuchi ishi 博知石 gambling stones
船魂様 Funadama Sama
Funatade 船たで / 船タデ is a process of smoking out the bottom of a boat to make it stronger against rotting in the the sea water.
During this process, the Funadama Sama must be taken out.

- reference source : airnet.ne.jp/sakura/blocks_
. a legend from Ehime 愛媛県 about funatade 船たで .
Funatama no saezuri 船魂のサエズリ
When Funatama can be heard making a sound チュチュチュ chuchuchu it is a bad foreboding. The sound moves from the front to the stern. This sound is also called
"the twittering of the Funatama" 船魂さんのサエサス saesazu, 船魂さんがナカス Funatama san ga nakasu".
Funadama San 船魂さん
If Funadama is in a good moot, a sound like リリン、リリン ririn ririn can be heard from the rudder.
Funatama 舟魂
In bad weather, when the boat is about to sink, Funatama walks around with the sound キョロキョロ kyoro-kyoro.
The captain then has to wash his face with salt water and grip the oar really strong.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
19 船玉 (00)
56 船霊 (00)
69 フナダマ (00)
- OK - フナタマ - 船魂 -
funadama no shiroki namidatchi juunigatsu
the white waves
of the Funadama godess -
this december
Kawamura Sachiko 川村祥子
- #funadama #funatama -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 9/24/2017 09:29:00 am
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