. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
oni no men 鬼の面 伝説 Oni Legends about demon masks
kimen 鬼面
. men, omote 面 masks - Introduction .
Saga - men buryuu 浮立面 masks for a dance 面浮立

- - - collection of Gabi Greve - - -
Hannya 般若 Hanya
This mask is used in Japanese Noh theater, representing a jealous female demon.

Three Oni masks of 婆面 Grandmother, 爺面 Grandfather and 孫面 Grandchild Demon
. 滝山寺鬼祭 Takisan-Ji Oni Matsuri Festival .

. Toyohashi Oni Matsuri 豊橋鬼祭 Festival .

. origami no oni 折り紙の鬼 Oni demons from folded paper .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
onimen 鬼面
Once a traveling 能楽師 Noh-Master stayed over night in an old temple hall. Since it was so cold, he put a demon mask over his face to sleep. Some other people around thought it was indeed an Oni !
設楽郡 Shitara district
. mokichi no men 茂吉の面 /茂吉面 the mask of Mokichi .
and the sakaki oni 榊鬼 Sakaki demon and a kagura performance at the Mikawa Matsuri
Yamami Oni

- The Okumikawa Hana Matsuri
- source : pref.aichi.jp/global/en -
Aichi 名古屋市 Nagoya 熱田区 Atsuta
onimen 鬼面 masks from thick paper
高蔵不動院 Takakura Fudo-In
Nagoya-shi, Atsuta-ku, Takakurachō, 5−8
Every year on the 5th of January the ritual of Shuushoo-E 修正会 is celebrated.
It is also known as
the "Festival of the Demons of Yakushi Nyorai 大薬師の鬼祭".
12 men from Atsuta of the age of 25 and 42 (13 men on a leapyear) participate.
The demon masks of the temple are made of strong thick paper and ward off evil influence for the coming year.
The masks are imitations of the one's from the "Bull Festival of Kyoto" 京都牛祭.
- see below, Ehime, 宇和島牛鬼祭り Uwajima Ushi-oni festival .
三戸郡 Sannohe district 南郷村 Nangomura
onioba, oni-oba 鬼おば "old Hag Demon" - 赤鬼の面 mask of Aka-Oni
A traveling child once lost its way and stayed over night in a lonely house. The owner was the Old Hag Demon with a maks of a red Oni. When the child woke up at night, it saw the demon roast a baby on a stick and devour it. It ran away as fast as it could and was saved by a charcoal maker in the forest.
. oniko, oni-ko 津軽の鬼子 Tsugaru demons .
kuro-oni no men 黒鬼の面 mask of black Oni
赤倉山神社 Akakurayama Jinja (百沢東岩木山1-39)Hyakuzawa Higashiiwakisan

source : yukitomanager.blog.jp/
北宇和郡 Kitauwa district 吉田町 Yoshida

. Uwajima Ushi-oni matsuri 宇和島牛鬼祭り Uwajima Ushi-oni festival .
牛鬼の面(かぶ) Mask of an Ushi-Oni for the festival
揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibi
oni no men 鬼の面
The daughter-in-law went out every evening with a scarf covering her head. The old mother-in-law did not like that and tried to frighten her with the mask of an Oni.
But the daughter was not surprized at all, she just sat down and folded her hands in prayer. When mother wanted to go away, she could not get the mask off her face.
This is the origin of the rock called でこしき岩 dekoshiki-iwa, おでこさん O-deko San "Head Rock".
- a similar legend is told here :
. yome odoshi men 嫁おどし面 mask to scare the bride .
Fukui, Yoshizaki 吉崎の御坊鬼面 demon masks

- Also see below, Nagano.
bakemono 妖 - 鬼面 monster with Oni mask
kitsune 狐 fox
高松市 Takamatsu

source : blog.livedoor.jp/ufodouji-tec_
. kimengani 鬼面蟹 crabs with a demon face .
onigani 鬼蟹 demon crabs
takebungani 武文蟹 / 武文ガニ Takebun crabs
Heikegani 平家蟹 Crabs of the Heike clan and Heike legends
Setsubun no Oni 節分の鬼
gagomen ガゴ面
The origin of this word comes from a child's play, where kids put both hands on their face to pretend they are an Oni.
When a child does not go to sleep easily, the mother who sleeps close to it tells them to go to sleep fast, otherwise a real Oni would come and bite it.
There are also many fearful Yokai masks in Kagoshima. If parents want to chide their kids, they tell them
"men don ga kuru" 面どんが来る "The honorable Mister Mask is coming."
The words モッコ mokko, モウコ mooko or 嚙もうぞ hamoozo are also known in other parts of Japan.
kawayagami 厠神 toilet god
Before entering the outhouse, you have to cough lightly to clear the throught and give the Toilet Deity a signal of your coming.
Once 比丘 a nun forget to do this, went inside and so dirt got on the demon mask. The Demon got angry and prevented the nun to come again, causing hermental disturbances.
. kawayagami 厠神 the toilet god - Introduction .
amanosakahoko, ama no sakahoko 天ノサカ矛 / 天逆鉾 "Heavenly Upside Down Spear"
on 高千穂峰 Mount Takachiho.
Below the prongs is the face of an Oni.

..... Ninigi-no Mikoto descended on top of the Holy Mt. Takachiho-no-Mine. ... This mysterious Heavenly Lance has been the cause of much speculation and opinion as to why it was staked upside down in the top of the mountain Takachiho-no-Mine.
- reference source : general_sasaki/shinwano_butai -

. 高千穂峰 Takachiho Kagura Masks .
onioshi, oni-oshi 鬼押 "hitting the Oni"
A New Year ritual on the first day of the second lunar month.
Two men, one with a red and one with a blue demon mask walk around the temple hall three times. After that 100 men waiting outside with oak wood sticks surround them and hit them. A man who hits an Oni will have good luck and a rich fishing harvest in the coming year.
The two actors of the Oni are not to complain, even if they get hit hard and die from the hitting.
北安曇郡 Kita Azumi district 白馬村 Hakuba
nikuzukimen 肉付面 mask with flesh sticking to it
This shichido no men 七道の面 "mask of seven roads" is from the shrine 北城の切久保の宮 Kirifurimiya at Hokujo hamlet.
This is a story of a daughter-in-law who got harassed by her mother-in-law. The daughter stole 鬼面 one mask and tried to frighten her mother at night. But the mask kept sticking to her face, so the woman went to a cave at 楠川 the river Kuzugawa.
That is why to our day there are only six masks at the shrine.
- - - - - There are similar legends told in other parts of Japan. See above, Gifu
Nagano 飯田市 Iida city
鬼面山 Mount Kimenzan and a Tengu legend
The mother of this story teller was kidnapped by a Tengu living on mount Kimenzan. when she was young.
While she was near a tree in her garden, a tengu came and lured her away. Suddenly she was on top of Mount Kimenzan. She took care of the household of the Tengu for a while and was then suddenly back home.

鬼面山 Mount Kimenzan (1.890 m high)
tsuina 追儺 "demon exorcism" -Devil-Expelling Ceremony
source : takara.city.matsumoto.nagano.
Tsuina mask from Matsumoto, Nagano from the temple 牛伏寺
. tsuina 追儺 "demon exorcism" .
with more masks
藤津郡 Fujitsu district 太良町 Tara

. onibako onibako 鬼箱 box with Oni masks .
竹崎観世音寺修正会鬼祭 At the temple Takezaki Kanzeon-Ji Demon Festival
港区 Minato ward
渋谷金王麿 Shibuya Konnomaru,夜叉神 Yashagami deity
At 長谷寺 the temple Hasedera in 麻布笄町 Azabu, Kogaicho.
和歌山市 Wakayama town
nana fushigi 七不思議 the seven wonders of Wakayama town
hakagaku no onimen 墓額の鬼面 demon mask on a grave stone marker
- The other six are:
鬼面川 river Omonogawa - kataba no ashi 片葉の葦 one-sided reed
When the beautiful 小野小町 Ono no Komachi looked at her face at the river 吾妻川 Agatsumagawa, she saw her face all tired from the long travel and wrote a waka poem about it.
Then the river got his name "River showing a Demon Face".
Due to a curse of Ono no Komachi there grows only one-sided reed along the river Omonogawa.
吾妻川 岸の流れに立ち寄れば いつしか映る鬼の面影

source : komav7.com/onogawa/2010hp/
. Ono no Komachi 小野 小町 beauty and poetess . - (c. 825 — c. 900)
- quote -
Omonogawa-River - The Shore: The Relationship Between Man and River
The source of Omonogawa-River springs from Akita and Yamagata prefectures. Located at the border of Daisenyama-Mountain that stands at 920m above sea level, it provides fresh water to the famous rice-producing Yokotebonchi-Valley.

Stretching 133km long, Omonogawa-River is a relatively calm river. It flows from the capital of Akita Prefecture.
In the past,
Akita had an extended shipping system and Omonogawa-River was used as one of its main transportation medium for rice crops and Japanese cedar lumber.
the river system supports disaster prevention measures. It also creates and manages outdoor leisure centers for the benefit of the residents of the valley, reducing at the same time, the gap between man and nature.
To this effect, the city of Omagari, which has a history of more than 80 years of firework-producing technology, holds a national competition that attracts more than 10,000 spectators every summer to its riverbanks.
- source : tohoku-epco.co.jp/investment -
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
- reference - 日本語 - 鬼面 -

CLICK for more samples !
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
risshun no niwa ni suterareru oni no men
in the garden
where spring begins a thrown-away
mask of a demon
原コウ子 Hara Koko (1896 - 1988)
. MORE haiku with 鬼の面 and 鬼面 kimen - demon mask .
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #men #oninomen #onimask #demonmask -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 9/30/2017 11:01:00 am
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