. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Daikoku and Ebisu 大黒と恵比寿 .
. Daikokuten 大黒天 Daikoku / 大国 Okuninushi .
hashiri Daikoku 走り大黒 / 波之利大黒天
running Daikoku Ten / walking Daikoku
Nikko 日光 Tochigi 栃木

hashiri Daikoku 走り大黒 / 波之利大黒天 running Daikoku Ten / walking Daikoku

The statue of Daikoku is at the temple hall 大黒堂 Daikoku-Do, Furarasan Shrine / Chūzen-ji
Next to a statue of the founder of Nikko 日光開山, Saint Shodo Shonin 勝道上人.
When Priest Shodo made the vow to climp mount Nantaisan, he saw Daikoku Ten walk over the waves of lake Chuzenjiko, telling him his vow will be granted.
This gave strenght to the priest to finish the steep and dangeroud climb.
. 勝道上人 Priest Saint Shodo Shonin .
There are various statues with this name in Nikko.
Daikoku Matsuri at 日光二荒山神社 Nikko Futarasan Shrine in June
At the Shrine Futarasan, as its deity Daikoku Ten may suggest, the legendary magic wishing hammer "Uchide no Kozuchi" is swung not only for good luck, but for safety in the household, prosperity in business and matchmaking. There is also a free market in the shrine grounds.
Ashio no Daikoku Ten 足尾の大黒天

Every year 白ネズミ a white mouse came with an ear of rice. When Saint Shodo heard of this, he bound a white string around the leg of the mouse and let her go. He followed her to the hamlet of 足尾 Ashio, now using the spelling 足緒. The white mouse disappeared in a cave, which became a place of ascetic practises of Daikoku Ten and the Mouse.
The bridge 渡良瀬川橋梁 Narasegawa Kyoryo(大黒橋) Daikokubashi was also built there.
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Standing Guardian Deity of Temple Precincts (Garanshin 伽藍神)

Many are familiar with the name Hashiri Daikoku for this statue, but in recent years it has come to be understood as a generic protective deity of temple precincts (garanshin).
Such deities are called kannōshisha or kansaishisha in Japanese, terms that refer to divine envoys dispatched as guards or overseers. The dynamic posture and vivid facial expression are representative of the physicality of late-Kamakura-period sculpture.
- source : narahaku.go.jp/english... -
- quote -
大黒さま白ねずみ Daikoku Sama and the White Mouse
日光市足尾の地名の由来 The origin of the name Ashio in Nikko
- source : manga nihon mukashibanashi -
. fuku nezumi 福鼠 lucky mouse / rat legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Legend knows this at Hashiri Daikoku in Nikko :
If someone is looking for a lost item and does not find it, he sticks a needle into the right leg of this running Daikoku and makes a vow.
Within a day he will find his lost item - or so they say.
................................................................................. Akita 秋田県
仙北市 Senboku, Semboku city
. Shichi-Fukujin, Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .
hoo-oo 鳳凰 phoenix
While they performed the 大黒舞 Daikokumai dance and the seven gods of good luck had a party, a phoenix flew by.
He had an ear of rice in his beak and gave it to Daikokuten. Daikokuten planted this in the field and indeed, this year was hoosaku 豊作 a rich harvest.
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
右京区 Ukyo ward
. Shichi-Fukujin, Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .
天狗兵衛 Tengubei,大黒天 Daikokuten,えびす三郎 Ebisu Saburo and 布袋 Hotei
Once the leader of a group of thieves was Tengubei. They went into the home of 左近丞 Sakon.
When Daikokuten hit the head of Tengubei, it slipped back into the body.
Ebisu Saburo swung his fishing rod and hit the nose of the thief きつね兵衛 Kitsunebei.
Hotei was practising Zazen and did not make a move.
The thieves run away in awe.
The 福の神 Gods of Good Luck held a banquet with music and dance.
- - - - -
大黒天 Daikokuten,寿老人 Jurojin, 福禄寿 Fukurokuju and 布袋和尚 priest Hotei Osho
Daikokuten, Jurojin and 福禄寿 Fukurokuju came along and Ebisu Saburo wanted to entertain them. He caught a tai 鯛 sea bream from a large plate.
When Daikokuten tapped on the ground with his kozuchi 小槌 auspicious hammer a lot of treasures appeared.
Finally priest Hotei came along. Daikokuten did 大黒舞 the Daikoku Dance and had a bout of 相撲 Sumo with Hotei.
Fukurokuji stamped his walking staff on the ground, grabed his uchiwa 団扇 handfan and did the dance 君が代 Kimigayo.
While they were thus busy dancing and enjoying themselves, the home of Sakon became very rich.

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
ishibiri 石びり someone stingy, stinginess
xx-biri (hiru ひる) means to loose excrements and dribble urine.
Once upon a time, someone asked Daikoku sama to HIRU some gold and silver for him. But Daikoku only dribbled stones to the man.
This is the origin of the proverb.
黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa town
hatsuyama 初山 "first mountain" ritual
This ritual is held on the 8th day of the 4th lunar month.
The 御神体 Deity is transfered to the Shrine.
Young men from the village put a rope around Daikokuten and parade him around.
They hug 恵比須 Ebisu, throw him into the river and shout:
"Tell us, will there be a good harvest this year or not?"
The performer of Ebisu calls back:
"There will be a good harvest, so please get me out of here fast!"
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
05 大黒天 (OK)
86 大黒 collecting
. Daikokuten 大黒天 / 大国 Okuninushi .
. Nikko 日光 と伝説 Legends about Nikko .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #hashiridaikoku #daikoku #runningdaikoku #walkingdaikoku -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 12/10/2018 02:02:00 pm
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. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Daikoku and Ebisu 大黒と恵比寿 .
. Daikokuten 大黒天 Daikoku / 大国 Okuninushi .
hashiri Daikoku 走り大黒 / 波之利大黒天
running Daikoku Ten / walking Daikoku
Nikko 日光 Tochigi 栃木

hashiri Daikoku 走り大黒 / 波之利大黒天 running Daikoku Ten / walking Daikoku

The statue of Daikoku is at the temple hall 大黒堂 Daikoku-Do, Furarasan Shrine / Chūzen-ji
Next to a statue of the founder of Nikko 日光開山, Saint Shodo Shonin 勝道上人.
When Priest Shodo made the vow to climp mount Nantaisan, he saw Daikoku Ten walk over the waves of lake Chuzenjiko, telling him his vow will be granted.
This gave strenght to the priest to finish the steep and dangeroud climb.
. 勝道上人 Priest Saint Shodo Shonin .
There are various statues with this name in Nikko.
Daikoku Matsuri at 日光二荒山神社 Nikko Futarasan Shrine in June
At the Shrine Futarasan, as its deity Daikoku Ten may suggest, the legendary magic wishing hammer "Uchide no Kozuchi" is swung not only for good luck, but for safety in the household, prosperity in business and matchmaking. There is also a free market in the shrine grounds.
Ashio no Daikoku Ten 足尾の大黒天

Every year 白ネズミ a white mouse came with an ear of rice. When Saint Shodo heard of this, he bound a white string around the leg of the mouse and let her go. He followed her to the hamlet of 足尾 Ashio, now using the spelling 足緒. The white mouse disappeared in a cave, which became a place of ascetic practises of Daikoku Ten and the Mouse.
The bridge 渡良瀬川橋梁 Narasegawa Kyoryo(大黒橋) Daikokubashi was also built there.
- quote -
Standing Guardian Deity of Temple Precincts (Garanshin 伽藍神)

Many are familiar with the name Hashiri Daikoku for this statue, but in recent years it has come to be understood as a generic protective deity of temple precincts (garanshin).
Such deities are called kannōshisha or kansaishisha in Japanese, terms that refer to divine envoys dispatched as guards or overseers. The dynamic posture and vivid facial expression are representative of the physicality of late-Kamakura-period sculpture.
- source : narahaku.go.jp/english... -
- quote -
大黒さま白ねずみ Daikoku Sama and the White Mouse

日光市足尾の地名の由来 The origin of the name Ashio in Nikko
- source : manga nihon mukashibanashi -
. fuku nezumi 福鼠 lucky mouse / rat legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Legend knows this at Hashiri Daikoku in Nikko :
If someone is looking for a lost item and does not find it, he sticks a needle into the right leg of this running Daikoku and makes a vow.
Within a day he will find his lost item - or so they say.
................................................................................. Akita 秋田県
仙北市 Senboku, Semboku city
. Shichi-Fukujin, Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .
hoo-oo 鳳凰 phoenix
While they performed the 大黒舞 Daikokumai dance and the seven gods of good luck had a party, a phoenix flew by.
He had an ear of rice in his beak and gave it to Daikokuten. Daikokuten planted this in the field and indeed, this year was hoosaku 豊作 a rich harvest.
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
右京区 Ukyo ward
. Shichi-Fukujin, Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .
天狗兵衛 Tengubei,大黒天 Daikokuten,えびす三郎 Ebisu Saburo and 布袋 Hotei
Once the leader of a group of thieves was Tengubei. They went into the home of 左近丞 Sakon.
When Daikokuten hit the head of Tengubei, it slipped back into the body.
Ebisu Saburo swung his fishing rod and hit the nose of the thief きつね兵衛 Kitsunebei.
Hotei was practising Zazen and did not make a move.
The thieves run away in awe.
The 福の神 Gods of Good Luck held a banquet with music and dance.
- - - - -
大黒天 Daikokuten,寿老人 Jurojin, 福禄寿 Fukurokuju and 布袋和尚 priest Hotei Osho
Daikokuten, Jurojin and 福禄寿 Fukurokuju came along and Ebisu Saburo wanted to entertain them. He caught a tai 鯛 sea bream from a large plate.
When Daikokuten tapped on the ground with his kozuchi 小槌 auspicious hammer a lot of treasures appeared.
Finally priest Hotei came along. Daikokuten did 大黒舞 the Daikoku Dance and had a bout of 相撲 Sumo with Hotei.
Fukurokuji stamped his walking staff on the ground, grabed his uchiwa 団扇 handfan and did the dance 君が代 Kimigayo.
While they were thus busy dancing and enjoying themselves, the home of Sakon became very rich.
................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
ishibiri 石びり someone stingy, stinginess
xx-biri (hiru ひる) means to loose excrements and dribble urine.
Once upon a time, someone asked Daikoku sama to HIRU some gold and silver for him. But Daikoku only dribbled stones to the man.
This is the origin of the proverb.
黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa town
hatsuyama 初山 "first mountain" ritual
This ritual is held on the 8th day of the 4th lunar month.
The 御神体 Deity is transfered to the Shrine.
Young men from the village put a rope around Daikokuten and parade him around.
They hug 恵比須 Ebisu, throw him into the river and shout:
"Tell us, will there be a good harvest this year or not?"
The performer of Ebisu calls back:
"There will be a good harvest, so please get me out of here fast!"
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
05 大黒天 (OK)
86 大黒 collecting
. Daikokuten 大黒天 / 大国 Okuninushi .
. Nikko 日光 と伝説 Legends about Nikko .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #hashiridaikoku #daikoku #runningdaikoku #walkingdaikoku -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 12/10/2018 02:02:00 pm
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