Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts

26 Dec 2018

HEIAN - typhus legends

typhus legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

chifusu to densetsu チフスと伝説 Legends about typhus
chifusu チフス typhus // parachifusu 腸チフス - パラチフス typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever

- quote -
Typhus, also known as typhus fever, is a group of infectious diseases that include
epidemic typhus, scrub typhus and murine typhus.
Common symptoms include fever, headache, and a rash. Typically these begin one to two weeks after exposure.
The diseases are caused by specific types of bacterial infection.
Epidemic typhus is due to Rickettsia prowazekii spread by body lice, scrub typhus is due to Orientia tsutsugamushi spread by chiggers, and murine typhus is due to Rickettsia typhi spread by fleas.
..... Scrub typhus occurs in Southeast Asia, Japan, and northern Australia.
..... Typhus has been described since at least 1528 AD. The name comes from the Greek tûphos (τύφος) meaning hazy, describing the state of mind of those infected. While "typhoid" means "typhus-like", typhus and typhoid fever are distinct diseases caused by different types of bacteria.
----- Signs and symptoms begin with sudden onset of fever, and other flu-like symptoms about one to two weeks after being infected. Five to nine days after the symptoms have started, a rash typically begins on the trunk and spreads to the extremities. This rash eventually spreads over most of the body, sparing the face, palms, and soles. Signs of meningoencephalitis begin with the rash and continue into the second or third weeks. Other signs of meningoencephalitis include sensitivity to light (photophobia), altered mental status (delirium), or coma. Untreated cases are often fatal.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県

zokushin 俗信 some folk belief
The bones of a horse charred all black are good at lowering fever. They are eaten in case of paratyphus.

............................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
大船渡市 Ofunato city 三陸町 Sanriku town

boorei 亡霊 ghost
Once the master of the house had died of typhus. His son carried the remains of his father to the second floor of the barn and left it there.
The next evening, the ghost of his father appeared, only visible to the son. So the son called a priest and had proper rituals performed. After that he did not see the ghost of his father again.

............................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県
西之表市 Nishinoomote city

wakamiya sama 若宮様 Wakamiya "Young Lord"
In 1924, there was a paratypuus epidemy in a hamlet. Many thought it was the curse of a Deity.
They went to the beach of 東海岸 Higashi Kaigan to a monoshiri モノシリ(巫女)Miko Shrine maiden for a divination. She went into trance and made the performance of someone killed by an arrow and decaying. In fact, the killed person was Wakamiya.
Wakamiya was the son of the local lord of 志布志 Shibushi. During a fight over the land he had been to the other side of the river and been killed by an arrow.
Wakamiya was then declared a deity and venerated in a special Shrine.

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県

. moriki 杜樹 tree of a shrine .
On the pass of 吉田山 Mount Yoshidayama ...

............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
佐渡市 Sado city 畑野町 Hatano machi town

ta-asobi 田遊び ritual of the fields
This Ta-asobi Shinto ritual of 畑野町大久保 Hatano town, Okubo, was first performed outside in the early Showa period. It was performed at the school in 畑野町後山 Hatano Ushiroyama.

But the same year there was a bad harvest in the hamlet of Okubo, an outbreak of paratyphus and other problems.

Ta'asobi -Literally, "rice-field play."
Ta'asobi sometimes takes place during the actual rice-planting season, but generally it occurs at the start of the year.
- source : kokugakuin . Mogi Sakae -
10 legends to explore

............................................................................... Okayama 岡山県
.......................................................................真庭郡 Maniwa district 落合町 Ochiai town

Zenkaku Inari Shrine 善覚稲荷
Once there was a typhus epidemy in the town, so people went to the Shrine Zenkaku Inaru to pray for healing.

In former times the Shrine was called 善覚神社 Zenkaku Jinja.
古くは社号を「善覚神社」と申し上げていた神社で、昔 小山善覚坊という修験者がおり、この善覚坊が伏見稲荷から勧請した稲荷神を拝み、霊感を使ってましたが、神の力が強くなり過ぎ、善覚坊の力では抑えきれなくなり、現在の奥宮と木山寺の間に社を建てて祀ったのが「善覚神社」の始まりと言われています。


HP of the shrine
- reference source : -

Kiyamadera 木山寺 Kiyama Temple

新見市 Niimi city 哲西町 Tessei cho town

Once they cut a maki no ki マキの木 / 犬槇 Podocarpus macrophyllus sacred to 荒神 the Kojin Deity and soon there was a typhus epidemy in the village.
This must have been the curse of Kojin Sama.

. Koojin sama 荒神様 Kojin, Aragami, "Wild Deity" .

............................................................................... Shimane 島根県
shookan 傷寒(チフス)Shokan, local name for typhus
kaze 傷寒(かぜ)
There once was a wicked priest named Shokan who could bewitch other people and make them suffer from typus.


Once after the war, the villagers went to a temple for rituals. An unknown man turned up and wanted to go with them.
Later they realized that about 30 years ago, there was a man who did not perform proper rituals for his dead father and had then died himself just before a typhus epidemy hit the village.

............................................................................... Tokyo Arakawa 荒川区

Once the younger sister of 新井つね Arai Tsune had typhus. In her dream she saw a priest in red robes who told her:
"If you go in this direction, you will die."
As the woman lie in high fever, she heard the voice of her crying baby and came back to her senses. Gradually she healed completely.

............................................................................... Toyama 富山県
礪波市 Tonami city

saen サエゾ(腸チフス): local name for typhus
saenbon サエゾボン

This is the local name for 坊さん a priest who performs to drive out a typhus epidemy.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- - - - - #typhus #typhuslegends -

18 Dec 2018

HEIAN - fire kaki legends

kaki fire legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

kaki 火気 と伝説 Legends about fire

- - - - - Fire Prohibited ! - - - - -

. hibashira 火柱と伝説 Legends about a pillar of fire .

. hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 Legends about fire balls .

. kaika 怪火 fireball, atmospheric ghost lights yokai from Shiga and Kyoto. .
and Abura-bo 油坊 the Oil Priest
. kaika 怪火 ghost fire at Nerima 練馬区 Tokyo .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

. Tengubi 天狗火 a Yokai / Tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire .
Tengubi is a fireball phenomenon.

At the time of 天武天皇 Tenmu Tenno (? - 686)
星 stars were falling down in the Eastern direction.
In 737 in the fifth lunar month, many 星 stars came flying by very low.
In 771 星 stars were falling down in the South-Western direction . . .
, , , and more such events are known.
It looked like some 火気 fire falling from the sky and many said it must have been a Tengu.


yuurei 幽霊 ghost
Once 太閤 秀吉 Toyotomi Hideyoshi was having a tea party when suddenly he saw
the ghost of 利休 Sen no Rikyu sitting by the side of the stove.
There was a strange sparkle in his eyes and 呼吸に火気 fire came out of his mouth when he was breathing.
Hideyoshi rebuked him, saying this was impolite, so the ghost went sitting a bit further away.
When Hideyoshi left the 数奇屋 tea room he asked his servant to keep an eye of Rikyu, but as the servant looked, Rikyu had disappeared.

............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県

. Legends about Akagisan, Akagiyama 赤城山 .

............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
磐田市 Iwata city

Mitsuke Tenjin 見付天神
At 東海道の見付宿 the postal station of Mitsuke on the Tokaido Highway they celebrate the Festival at 天満宮 the Tenmangu Shrine, where the 神輿 Mikoshi palanquin with the deity is carried out at night. During this ritual, people are not allowed to make fire.
They are not allowed to talk aloud, otherwise they might experience bad luck and disaster in the coming year.

Yanahime Shrine (Mitsuke Tenjin Shrine)
1114-2 Mitsuke, Iwata City

- HP of the Shrine - 矢奈比賣神社(やなひめじんじゃ)
- reference source :

- quote -
Mitsuke Tenjin Naked Festival
This is a chain of festivals held following the event in which the principal god Yanahime no Mikoto is moved to Omi Kunitama Shrine, a Soja shrine (a shrine enshrining several gods) in Totomi Province.
It is held on Saturday and Sunday before August 10 according to the lunar calendar. Naked men wearing straw coats parade around Mitsuke district. It is called the Naked Festival because the boisterous dance at the worshipping hall of the Mitsuke Tenjin Shrine. The best time of the festival is from 21:00 to midnight on the first day.
About 1,000 naked men surge into the worshipping hall of the Mitsuke Tenjin Shrine. The Oni (ogre) Dance is grand and it reaches the climax at midnight.
- source : -

. Yanahime Jinja 矢奈比売神社 .
霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro

............................................................................... Toyama 富山県

At the foot of the 立山 Tateyama mountain range there is a bridge over the river 岩倉川 Iwakuragawa.
People form other domains of Edo-period Japan could not cross it easily.
They called the river 三途の大川 Sanzu no Okawa, Great River to The Other World.
The mountains to the East of the river were called Shide no Yama 死出の山, Mountain where people die.
There was always some kind of fire to see at its top, so this must be jigoku 地獄 the Hell.

. Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, the river on the way to hell .

. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama mountain worship .

高岡市 Takaoka city

Harumi matsuri 晴見祭り Harumi festival
For the festival the villagers have to capture four hebi 蛇 serpents. The serpent which is captured the first is called
oharemi, O-Haremi オハレミ.
It is put in a container and kept well.
On an auspicious day 卯月中の巳の日 in the fourth lunar month there is a divination ritual.


- quote -
Takaoka Mikuruma-yama Festival
The Takaoka mikuruma-yamas (wheeled float) carried in this festival are apparently based on the court carriage used by Hideyoshi Toyotomi to welcome Emperor Go-Yozei and Retired Emperor Ogimachi to Jurakudai in 1588.
After Toshie Maeda received it as a gift, Toshinaga Maeda gave it to the townspeople in 1609 when he was building Takaoka Castle. A barrel roof was added to the carriage to make the current mikurama-yama.
Supported by the spirit and wealth of the Takaoka townspeople, this is one of Japan's most gorgeous hikiyama festival floats, with wheels decorated using superb local craft techniques, such as metalwork, lacquer ware and dyeing.
- source : -


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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14 Dec 2018

YAMANOKAMI - Nagano legends

Yamanokami Regional 21 Nagano

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Nagano 長野県

. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


山の海神(ワタツミ) Yama no Wadatsumi
長野県上高地【明神池】Nagano, Kamikochi - Myojin-Ike pond

. Azumi no Isora 阿曇磯良 .
The deity from Hakata / Fukuoka is also venerated in the mountains of Nagano !


Yamanokami Onsen 山の神温泉 Hot Spring Yamanokami
3 Chome-23-50 Hakoshimizu, Nagano / 長野県長野市箱清水3-23-50

- Homepage of Yamanokami Onsen Nagano -

. Yamanokami Onsen in Japan 山の神温泉 .
岩手県花巻市 Iwate, Hanamaki town


. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
kami no ki, kaminoki  神の木、神ノ木 tree of the deity, tree of God

moriki 杜樹 tree of a shrine
On the pass of 吉田山 Mount Yoshidayama is a shrine for Yamanokami. Once they cut down the trees to build a 公会堂 public hall for the village.
Very soon after there was a typhus epidemy and many villagers died.
This was the curse of Yamanokami, so they held special rituals to appease the deity.
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In the forest is an 稲荷 Inari shrine. The owner of the land had sold it all and the trees were cut. The wood was used to 蚕室 make a room to raise silk worms. But this did not go well and the man went bancrupt. The man who bought it after that had his home burned down by wildfire.
This was all the curse of Yamanokami.
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In 1906 Jisha Goshirei 神社合祀令 many Shrines were relocated or unified by government orders.
Many large trees in a Shrine compound were cut down, but then the only son of a man involved in this order died.
Many people begun to protest against these orders.


Yamanokami gets offerings of just one 藁草履 straw sandal. They say he is lame.


. okoze 虎魚 / 鰧魚 / オコゼ / ヲコゼ stonefish .
okojo オコジョ dried Okoze, in some local dialects
Not to mix with

okojo オコジョ stoat, Mustela erminea, short-tailed weasel
Okojo is 山の神の使い the messenger of Yamanokami. It lives near water and does not mind the presence of humans, but disliked dogs.
As a Messenger of the deity it is not hunted.

okojosama オコジョサマ Okojo sama
In 諏訪地方 the area of Suwa, if people see a weasel while on their way to the forest, this will bring bad luck and they go back home for this day.
Once a hunter went up to 釜無山 Kamanashiyama, saw a weasel on the way but ignored it. Further on he was assaulted by a huge bear.

茅野市 Chino city

shinbatsu 神罰 divine punishment
On the 15th day of the sixth lunar month in 1628 about 7 pilgrims went from 諏訪高島 Suwa Takashima to climb 立科 / 蓼科 Mount Tateshina.
Amont them was an arrogant type who wanted to take 神鳥 a sacred bird with him. When they were on the way back he suddenly lost his senses. He said he was a messenger of Yamanokami, pulled out a large sword and begun to cut the air. After that the man spit blood and died. Others said the bird in his breast pocket took of to the mountain and he came back to life.

東筑摩郡 Higashi-Chikuma district 四賀村 Shiga mura village
北安曇野郡 Kita-Azumino district 小谷村 / おたり Otari

. Yama no Kami 山の神 and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .

飯田市 Iida city

Itodayama no kami no tatari 糸田山の神の祟り curse from the Kami of Mount Itodayama
Once upon a time, a baby sitter and a baby from 此田 Konota got lost. After that, even to our day, sometimes the crying of a baby can be heard. This is the voice of the Kami from Itodayama.
The owner of the mountain forest built a small shrine to appease this Yamanokami, but the forest became bachi-yama バチ山, a "cursed forest".
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hizettai Yamanokami 非絶対山の神
In 南和田 Minami-Wada there are two Yamanokami.
One was called zettai Yamanokami 絶対山の神 "the real, absolute Yamanokami", the deity 大山祇命 Oyamazumi no Mikoto.
The other was called
hizettai Yamanokami 非絶対山の神 "the non-ablsolute Yamanokami". Some say this was the disciple of Oyamazumi no Mikoto, a man who had hanged himself in the forest.
In the local dialect he was also called shiryoobe 死霊ベェ Shiryobe, a Ghost.
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nusubito kamisama 盗人神様 Yamanokami hiding a thief
Once a thief broke into a home. When they got after him, he fled to the forest and they lost sight of him near the shrine for Yamanokami.
So the villagers wondered if Yamanokami had hid the thief . . . and called him Yamanokami hiding a thief.

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Itokutakusan no kami イトク沢山の神 / イトクタクサンノカミ
There is a small stone monument for this Yamanokami. If people behave badly around here, they will become ill or face other disasters.
a child came with a baby on its back to いとく沢山の神 Itokuzawa Yamanokami and wanted to fetch water. But it got lost and never came back.
It mus have been the curse of Yamanokami.
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inu 犬 dog / daija 大蛇 huge serpent
A hunter went deep into the forest with his dog. When he rested under a rock he became tired, but his dog was howling noisily so he cut off its head with a hatchet. The head of this dog took off in flight to the top of the rock. When he stopped there, a huge serpent came and ate it.
Now the hunter knew that his dog was indeed Yamanokami, who had saved his life.
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Some say they have seen Yamanokami with a haori 羽織 coat walking around the mountains.
Others say they saw him at Akaishi, but it was a woman.

松本市 Matsumoto city

. Daidarabotchi (ダイダラボッチ, literally "Giant") .
Tiirabotcha デーラボッチャ in local dialect.

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. kitsune キツネ / 狐と伝説 fox legends .
A fox can bewitch persons. The person becomes delirious and begins to eat all kind of strange things. To cure him, a scroll with the figure of Yamanokami must be ut around his body.
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zen o kashite kureru jinja 膳を貸してくれる神社 a Shrine to borrow trays
Kashiwagi Jinja 柏木神社 Shrine is just below the Yamanokami memorial stone.
If people come here who do not have enough food trays for a wedding invitation, they make a special wish and the trays will be delivered on the memorial stone.
"We need xx food trays. Please lend them to us!"

. Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls". .
where poeple come to ask for trays and bowls at a wedding.

南佐久郡 Minamisaku, Minami-Saku district

In this village it is taboo to go into the mountain on the last day of the year.
If someone goes anyway, he hears a voice calling
「ミソカヨー」...「ミソカヨーイ」 "It's the last day, the last day of the year...".
If the villager turns his head to see who is calling, he will not be able to bend it back.
They say this is the doing of Yamanokami or 鬼 an Oni demon.

Minamisaku, Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami

mujina 狢 badger
Once the villagers smoked out a badger, but 山の神様の木 the sacred tree of Yamanokami caught fire and fell down.

Minamisaku, Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koume

Yauemon Yashiki 弥右衛門屋敷 estate of Yauemon
The estate of Yauemon was in the west of the village, now it is just fields.
Once upon a time, Yauemon was late in planting the fields and one night Yamanokami from the mountain behind his house came down and planted all.
Next morning Yauemon followed the muddy trail of horse hooves and found they went up to the mounain, stopping at the small sanctuary for Yamanokami.

長野市 Nagano city

. yamori ヤモリ / 守宮 / 野守 (nomori) Japanese gecko .
and 大蛇
In a hamlet of the village 松代 Matsudai there was a man proud of his physical strength. In 水無月 June he went into the mountains with his friends. There a huge serpent came out. He put his fingers in its mouth and wanted to stretch it wide open, but cuold not. So he used a sickle to cut through its mouth and throat. He cut up the biggest piece and took it home.
His parents said this serpent must have been Yamanokami and he could be cursed, so they threw him out of the home.
The smell of the serpent stuck to his body, but when the doctor gave him some medicine, it vanished.
The doctor told him that this was not a serpent, but a Japanese gecko.
The man was later caught stealing wood from a shrine and sentenced to death. People say this was the curse of the Yamori.

下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 阿智村 Achi

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
A farmer went to 丸山の森 the forest of Maruyama to cut underbrush. Suddenly he became very tired and fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw a huge serpent trying to fold around him. He took the sickle by his side and tried to cut the serpent, but it disappeared very quickly.
The sickle is now venerated in a sanctuary for Yamanokami.

下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 辰野町 Tatsuno

. kitooshi, kitōshi 祈祷師と伝説 Kitoshi, Legends about Shamans .
Yamanokami is also called 祈とう師 "Kitoshi" . People pray to him to get rid of a curse or mysterious problem.

下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 天龍村 Tenryu village

ganto sama, gantosama 願戸様 Ganto Deity
At the crossing of the roads to 飯島道 Iijima and 牧金道 Makigane there is a Yamanokami called Ganto Sama.
This dates back to the Edo period when a traveller had died here and this is in his memory.

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. yama-inu, yamainu 山犬、豺 "mountain dog" legends .
ookami 狼 Okami, wolf legends

mutsu Jizoo 六ツ地蔵 six Jizo (roku Jizo)
At the border between Nagano and Aichi there is a ritual mound named "Mutsu Jizo".
It is not very old. Once during a great rain, there were the bones of xis people coming flooding down the mountain and the memorial is in their honor.
There were actually seven zato 座頭 blind people walking that day and one had grabbed the tail of a yama-inu 山犬 wolf who brought him to 三河の富山村漆島 Mikawa, Tomiyama village.
The wolf is venerated as the messenger of Yamanokami in this region.
Roku Jizō, Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues

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The tales relate to 村松家 the Muramatsu family, which developed the land.
They venerate the skull bones of a wolf in 太子堂 a Daishi-Do Hall in their estate.
Once a family member had shot down a wolf, which was in fact Yamanokami who had come to lead him back home.
So now the wolf is the protector deity of Muramatsu family.

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Once a hunter begged for a baby of a wolf, the messenger of Yamanokami.
He got four animals. When he went hunting once, he did not shoot anything. So he made a fire to spend the night there and told the animals:
"We will stay here for tonight. I had a little food, but since I did not have any pray today, you will go hungry, please be patient . . .".
The wolf used his tail to spread water on the fire to extinguish it many times. That is strange, thought the hunter and climbed a tree. There his old mino 蓑 straw coat was bitten by the wolf and the hunter realized the animal wanted to kill him. So he shot it.

下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 豊丘村 Toyooka village

Yamanokami allows a wolf to eat a human who has fallen down in the mountains, but no other humans.
The grown-ups tell their children to chant, when they stumble and fall down on the mountain road;
「どっこい一休み」- Oh well, I will take a rest now!.
This will prevent a wolf from eating them.

諏訪郡 Suwa district 原村 Hara village

At the Shrine for Yamanokami there are many offerings of long nawa 縄 ropes along the lattice doors and nearby trees.
The trees are hung up with the wish for a long life.

上田市 Ueda city

Azumaya san no kami 四阿山の神 Kami of Mount Azumaya (2,354 m)
Once Yamanokami walked around Mount Azumaya in the direction of river 神川 Kangawa. Suddenly goma no mi ごまの実 the seed of sesame hit his eye and hurt it badly.
Since then downriver of Kangawa they do not grow sesame.
- a version from 佐久市 Saku city
Once upon a time
In the pond of temple 真楽寺 Shinraku-Ji there lived a ryuujin 竜神 Dragon Deity. He was on his way to 諏訪湖 Lake Suwako, near 小田井 Otai in 横根 Yokone, he fell down and hurt his eye with a seed of sesame.
Therefore the farmers of Yokone do not grow sesame. If they do, they will be cursed.

. ryuujin 竜神 Ryujin, Dragon Deity .
Ryuu-oo 竜王 Ryu-O - The Dragon King

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jiishi, baishi 爺石 Ji-Ishi Grandpa rock,婆石 Ba-Ishi Grandma rock
Once upon a time
an old rich couple from 松代 Matsudai went to see her daughter, who lived in Ueda, because she had given birth to a baby. They crossed the pass 地蔵峠 Jizo Toge in a kago 籠 sedan chair. But the palanquin bearers were a bad lot and after passing the pass 金剛寺峠 Kongoji Toge they robbed the couple of their money and threw them down into the gourge with the palanquin.
While he was rolling down the mountain side, Grandpa got stuck in the middle of the way down and turned into a rock. Grandma fell down to the forest and became a rock.
The palanquin fell down near the sanctuary of Yamanokami and became the rock 籠岩 / 篭岩 Kagoiwa.

. kago 篭 / 駕籠 / かご palanquin, sedan chair .


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #nagano #yamanokaminagano -

13 Dec 2018

GOKURAKU - Daikoku hashiri running walking

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Daikoku and Ebisu 大黒と恵比寿 .

. Daikokuten 大黒天 Daikoku / 大国 Okuninushi .

hashiri Daikoku 走り大黒 / 波之利大黒天
running Daikoku Ten / walking Daikoku

Nikko 日光 Tochigi 栃木

hashiri Daikoku 走り大黒 / 波之利大黒天 running Daikoku Ten / walking Daikoku

The statue of Daikoku is at the temple hall 大黒堂 Daikoku-Do, Furarasan Shrine / Chūzen-ji
Next to a statue of the founder of Nikko 日光開山, Saint Shodo Shonin 勝道上人.
When Priest Shodo made the vow to climp mount Nantaisan, he saw Daikoku Ten walk over the waves of lake Chuzenjiko, telling him his vow will be granted.
This gave strenght to the priest to finish the steep and dangeroud climb.
. 勝道上人 Priest Saint Shodo Shonin .
There are various statues with this name in Nikko.

Daikoku Matsuri at 日光二荒山神社 Nikko Futarasan Shrine in June
At the Shrine Futarasan, as its deity Daikoku Ten may suggest, the legendary magic wishing hammer "Uchide no Kozuchi" is swung not only for good luck, but for safety in the household, prosperity in business and matchmaking. There is also a free market in the shrine grounds.


Ashio no Daikoku Ten 足尾の大黒天

Every year 白ネズミ a white mouse came with an ear of rice. When Saint Shodo heard of this, he bound a white string around the leg of the mouse and let her go. He followed her to the hamlet of 足尾 Ashio, now using the spelling 足緒. The white mouse disappeared in a cave, which became a place of ascetic practises of Daikoku Ten and the Mouse.

The bridge 渡良瀬川橋梁 Narasegawa Kyoryo(大黒橋) Daikokubashi was also built there.


- quote -
Standing Guardian Deity of Temple Precincts (Garanshin 伽藍神)

Many are familiar with the name Hashiri Daikoku for this statue, but in recent years it has come to be understood as a generic protective deity of temple precincts (garanshin).
Such deities are called kannōshisha or kansaishisha in Japanese, terms that refer to divine envoys dispatched as guards or overseers. The dynamic posture and vivid facial expression are representative of the physicality of late-Kamakura-period sculpture.
- source : -


- quote -
大黒さま白ねずみ Daikoku Sama and the White Mouse

日光市足尾の地名の由来 The origin of the name Ashio in Nikko
- source : manga nihon mukashibanashi -

. fuku nezumi 福鼠 lucky mouse / rat legends .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Legend knows this at Hashiri Daikoku in Nikko :
If someone is looking for a lost item and does not find it, he sticks a needle into the right leg of this running Daikoku and makes a vow.
Within a day he will find his lost item - or so they say.

................................................................................. Akita 秋田県 
仙北市 Senboku, Semboku city

. Shichi-Fukujin, Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .

hoo-oo 鳳凰 phoenix
While they performed the 大黒舞 Daikokumai dance and the seven gods of good luck had a party, a phoenix flew by.
He had an ear of rice in his beak and gave it to Daikokuten. Daikokuten planted this in the field and indeed, this year was hoosaku 豊作 a rich harvest.

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府 
右京区 Ukyo ward

. Shichi-Fukujin, Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .

天狗兵衛 Tengubei,大黒天 Daikokuten,えびす三郎 Ebisu Saburo and 布袋 Hotei
Once the leader of a group of thieves was Tengubei. They went into the home of 左近丞 Sakon.
When Daikokuten hit the head of Tengubei, it slipped back into the body.
Ebisu Saburo swung his fishing rod and hit the nose of the thief きつね兵衛 Kitsunebei.
Hotei was practising Zazen and did not make a move.
The thieves run away in awe.
The 福の神 Gods of Good Luck held a banquet with music and dance.
- - - - -
大黒天 Daikokuten,寿老人 Jurojin, 福禄寿 Fukurokuju and 布袋和尚 priest Hotei Osho
Daikokuten, Jurojin and 福禄寿 Fukurokuju came along and Ebisu Saburo wanted to entertain them. He caught a tai 鯛 sea bream from a large plate.
When Daikokuten tapped on the ground with his kozuchi 小槌 auspicious hammer a lot of treasures appeared.
Finally priest Hotei came along. Daikokuten did 大黒舞 the Daikoku Dance and had a bout of 相撲 Sumo with Hotei.
Fukurokuji stamped his walking staff on the ground, grabed his uchiwa 団扇 handfan and did the dance 君が代 Kimigayo.
While they were thus busy dancing and enjoying themselves, the home of Sakon became very rich.

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県 

ishibiri 石びり someone stingy, stinginess
xx-biri (hiru ひる) means to loose excrements and dribble urine.
Once upon a time, someone asked Daikoku sama to HIRU some gold and silver for him. But Daikoku only dribbled stones to the man.
This is the origin of the proverb.

黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa town

hatsuyama 初山 "first mountain" ritual
This ritual is held on the 8th day of the 4th lunar month.
The 御神体 Deity is transfered to the Shrine.
Young men from the village put a rope around Daikokuten and parade him around.
They hug 恵比須 Ebisu, throw him into the river and shout:
"Tell us, will there be a good harvest this year or not?"
The performer of Ebisu calls back:
"There will be a good harvest, so please get me out of here fast!"


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
05 大黒天 (OK)
86 大黒 collecting


. Daikokuten 大黒天 / 大国 Okuninushi .

. Nikko 日光 と伝説 Legends about Nikko .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #hashiridaikoku #daikoku #runningdaikoku #walkingdaikoku -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 12/10/2018 02:02:00 pm

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24 Oct 2018

EDO - ohaguro black teeth legends

ohaguro haguro black teeth

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

ohaguro, o-haguro お歯黒 / 御歯黒 / おはぐろ Ohaguro, black teeth
鉄漿 kane, 鉄漿水 kanemizu // おはぐろ水 ohaguromizu

浮世絵に見る江戸美人の化粧 Cosmetics of the Edo Bijin Beauties in Ukiyo-E
白、紅、黒―三色の美 The beauty of the three colors white, red and black

white お白粉 o-shiro for face powder
red 紅 beni for lip coloring
black お歯黒 o-haguro for teeth coloring and eyebrows

. Edo no bijin 江戸の美人 the beauties of Edo .

- quote
Ohaguro (お歯黒) is a custom of dyeing one's teeth black. It was most popular in Japan until the Meiji era. Tooth painting is also known and practiced in the southeastern parts of China, Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. Dyeing is mainly done by married women, though occasionally men do it as well. It was also beneficial, as it prevented tooth decay, in a similar fashion to modern dental sealants.
- Traces of blackened teeth can be seen in the buried bones and haniwa (250 to 538 CE) from the Kofun period.
- Shōsōin, a treasure house connected to Tōdai-ji in Nara, holds the teachings brought to Japan by Jianzhen in 753.
----- Dyes
The main ingredient was a dark-brown solution of ferric acetate called kanemizu (かねみず, 鉄漿水), made by dissolving iron filings in vinegar. When the solution was combined with vegetable tannins from such sources as gallnut powder or tea powder, it would turn black and become non-water-soluble, in the same manner that iron gall ink is produced. Coating the teeth with this liquid helped to prevent tooth decay and enamel decay. The dye had to be applied once a day or once every few days.
As a convenient prescription, a fine powder of gallnut powder, sulfuric acid, and oyster shell could also be applied to the teeth, though this never really caught on.
In theatrical plays, ink mixed with turpentine was used, though these days, ink mixed with tooth wax is used.
----- Superstitions and urban legends
- In the Meiji, a rumor spread about an area where a virgin's blood was painted on an electric line. As a result of not wanting to have their blood taken as well, many of the young women in this area changed their appearances to match those of married women by blackening their teeth, painting their eyebrows and wearing simple kimono.
- In Yamada Norio's 2010 book "A Trip of Tōhoku Ghost Stories" (山田野理夫東北怪談全集), a story about Fukushima Prefecture is described (お歯黒べったり, "Ohaguro Bettari").
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Ukiyo-e of yama-uba with blackened teeth and Kintarō


- quote -
Things Japanese (1905) Basil Hall Chamberlain (1850-1935)
Blackening the Teeth
This peculiar custom is at least as old as A.D. 920; but the reason for it is unknown.
It was finally prohibited in the case of men in the year 1870. Even women have now abandoned it in Tōkyō, Kyōto, and the circumjacent provinces; and to see it surviving as a means of feminine adornment (?), one must repair to certain remote rural districts, the north-west coast, for instance, or the extreme north-east, where distance and poverty have acted as conservative forces. Every married woman in the land had her teeth blackened, until the present Empress set the example of discontinuing the practice.
Fortunately, the efficacy of the preparation used wears out after a few days, so that the ladies of Japan experienced no difficulty in getting their mouths white again. Mr. A. B. Mitford, in his amusing Tales of Old Japan, gives the following recipe for tooth-blacking, as having been supplied to him by a fashionable Yedo druggist:—
"Take three pints of water, and, having warmed it, add half a teacupful of wine. Put into this mixture a quantity of red-hot iron; allow it to stand for five or six days, when there will be a scum on the top of the mixture, which should then be poured into a small teacup and placed near a fire. When it is warm, powdered gall-nuts and iron filings should be added to it, and the whole should be warmed again.
The liquid is then painted on to the teeth by means of a soft feather brush, with more powdered gall-nuts and iron, and, after several applications, the desired colour will be obtained."
- source : -

'A Strange White Smile': A Survey of Tooth-Blackening and other Dental Practices in Japan.
Blomberg, Catharina. / Japan Forum 2:2 (1990)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .
Once a man took a second wife, the daughter of a 旗本 Hatamoto Samurai.
One night the man looked into the room of the wife and saw a strange something beside her bed. It had a mouth opening up to the ears and the teeth were all black.
When the Samurai killed this monster, they found it was an old cat. This kind of story is told in various versions.

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
犬山市 Inuyama city

. yamanba 山姥 old mountain hag - legends .
At 新蔵 Shinzo there was a strange large woman sitting on a rock, her black teeth shining in the moonlight.
Someone tried to shoot her with an arrow and was sure he had hit something. When he followed the blood stains on the ground, he came to the house of 与八郎 Yohachiro, where his wife was lying dead on the ground.
Later they build a small shrine to appease her soul.

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐川町 Ibigawa town

About 100 years ago, there was お歯黒のお化け a monster with black teeth roaming the road at 牛洞 Ushibora.
It would appear suddenly and ask
tsuita ka, mite kuru ついたか、見てくろ
There is a similar story in Kyoto at the temple 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji about お歯黒狸 a Tanuki badger with black teeth.

大野郡 Ono district 清見村 Kiyomi village

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
A girl had been taking a nap under a kurinoki 栗の木 chestnut tree, when at night she suddenly begun to blacken her teeth and behaved quite strange.
Her grandmother thought she must have been seen by a serpent which wanted a bride. She gave her a drink that would melt away the black of the teeth and soon the girl became quiet again.

................................................................................. Kumamoto 熊本県
八代郡 Yatsushiro district

garappa ガラッパ Kappa - water goblin
西村光弘 Nishimura Mitsuhiro had been brought up at 小築島 Kotsuku Island off Yatsushiro.
As a child he saw a woman of about 40 jumping into the see, who was then taken hold of by some fishermen.
This woman had once used a needle blackened with Ohaguro and thrown it into the sea. This would frighten the local Kappa and prevent him from harming the fishermen.

. Kappa legends from Kumamoto 熊本県  .

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都市

tanuki 狸 badger
At the temple 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji there lived a Tanuki called Ohaguro ba おはぐろ婆 Old Hag with Black Teeth.
It used to sit in the pine grove near the temple and keep ist tools for blackening teeth, then frighten the people.
A anma 按摩 blind masseur took a large bag and caught the Tanuki

. Tanuki legends from Kyoto 京都府 .

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
橿原市 Kashihara city

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
In the early morning an elderly person went to the Shrine to pray.
Nearby there was a young woman with nicely combed hair, bringing mochi 絣 rice cakes as offerings and having her teeth all blackened.
The woman laughed in a strange way, ケタケタ keta-keta.
This young woman was in fact a fox in disguise.

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県

fusuma フスマ large wrapping cloth - Yokai monster
Sometimes at night out of nowhere there comes a large cloth, like a furoshiki 風呂敷, and wraps around the head of the sleeper. This is called fusuma.
It can not be cut, even with the sharpest sword.
But if the teeth have been blackened with Ohaguro, it is easy to cut and destroy.
Therefore, in former times and until recently, even men would use Ohaguro, just to be on the safe side.

................................................................................. Oita 大分県

ohaguro mizu おはぐろ水 Ohaguromizu, hot spring
Hyoshimizu Onsen (Himeshima-mura) 5118-2, 姫島 Himeshima, Higashikunisaki District, Ōita

- quote -
拍子水 Hyooshi-mizu Hyoshimizu Spring - "Hand-clapping"
This is a spring water in the precinct of Himekoso Shrine, or otherwise known as Akamizu Shrine, located on Himeshima Island, in Higashi-Kunisaki County, Oita Pref.
This spring water is included in the Seven Wonders of Himeshima Island.
Enshrined at Himekososha Shrine is Hime-gami (god's princess), who ran away from Tsunuga Arashito, the prince of Gaya Confederacy. The legend has it that when the princess applied ohaguro (liquid to blackens the teeth) on her teeth and wanted to cleanse the mouth with water. Not being able to find any water around her, she clapped her hands (拍子 hyoshi) and then water (水 mizu) sprang out of the ground.
So, this spring water is also called "Ohaguro Mizu (ohaguro water)."
It is a hot spring of bicarbonate low temperature mineral spring. Visitors can take a bath in "Hyoshimizu Hot Spring." There are two kinds of baths there; the cold spring and the hot spring, both of which are of light brown water. It is good for nerve pain, chronic gastroenteric diseases, and a cold constitution.
- source : -

. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .

................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
志木市 Shiki city 柏町 Kashiwa

. ohaguro Jizoo お歯黒地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu with black teeth .
A beautiful girl had moved nearby, so the Jizo statue went out to see her. When he came back, he had Ohaguro on his cheeks.

. Legends about Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 .

................................................................................. Wakayama 和歌山県

haguroishi, haguro-ishi 歯黒石 the Haguro stone
In the back yard of the Shrine is a stone called Haguro Ishi 歯黒石 "stone to blacken the teeth".
If people got a part of the stone, made it to powder and then 鉄漿水 Kanemizu water to blacken their teeth, they would have good luck and great fortune.
In a cavity there was always some water, more or less according to the tide. This water could also be used to blacken the teeth.

田辺市 Tanabe

suzume 雀 sparrow,tsubame 燕 swallow
Once upon a time
the two sisters, Swallow and Sparrow, were told of the imminent death of their mother.
The Swallow put on mourning robes and make-up, but thus was not in time for the death to occur.
The Sparrow just blackened her teeth and flew straight to the home, where she could watch her mother die in peace.
This is the reason why the sparrow is not very beautiful, but can eat rice,
whereas the swallow is beautiful, but has to eat earth.

................................................................................. Yamagata 山形県
最上郡 Mogami district

nogitsune / Yako 野狐 fox Yokai monster
Once the priest from the temple 三蔵院 Sanzo-In was walking in the mountain forest, when he met a Nogitsune.
He put his horagai 法螺貝 conch trumpet on the ear and blew. Suddenly the path became dark and he saw a house where he could stay over night. In this house, a woman had just died before giving birth. The priest was bewildered when he suddenly saw the woman get up again, blacken her teeth and then bit into the face of the priest. He turned his eyes in surprize and woke up . . . when he came to his senses, it was still light in the middle of the day.

. yako 野狐 nogitsune, "fox in the field" Yokai .

- - - - -

Once upon a time, where was a couple living happily together.
On お庚申さんの日 the day of the Koshin Festival, the woman blackened her teeth and on the next day went into the mountain forest, but did not come back. A few days later a villager said he had seen her. She had eaten
fukutsu no kai ふくつの貝 shells of fortitude to be able not to get older.
She would drink red blood and eat raw flesh every day.
One day she came to see her husband and told him he would join her fate too, if he would blacken his teeth on the day of the Koshin Festival.

. The Koshin Cult 庚申信仰 .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
お歯黒 / 鉄漿 / - ok


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

- another version : 養父入や鉄漿もらひ來る傘の下
yabuiri ya kane morai kuru kasa no shita

servant's holiday -
under an umbrella she comes
to get Ohaguro

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 (1715 - 1783) .


yuku haru no kanetsuke nayamu onna kana

as spring is leaving
this woman is worrying about
blackening her teeth . . .

. 正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki (1867 - 1902) .


ohaguro o aburu yakusha no hibachi kana

坂東みの介 Hando Minosuke




紋白蝶お歯黒美しき祖母憶ふ 松尾次子

鉄漿いろに蔓が枯れてる野分かな 飛鳥田[れい]
鉄漿つけし松茸売はなつかしき 富安風生
鉄漿の甕よりい出て射干へ 久米惠子
鉄漿をつけたる母の十夜かな 萩原麦草

むかし公卿の鉄漿の口柳絮とぶ 針呆介
京人形鉄漿つけあはれ吉野の忌 荒木法子
十夜婆々お鉄漿つけてまだ若し 河野静雲
古妻の怠る鉄漿や冬に入る 吉武月二郎句集
春宵や鉄漿壺のありどころ 西島麦南
煤の夜の昔の母は鉄漿つけき 柏崎夢香
笹鳴に唇そらし鉄漿つける 長谷川かな女
笹鳴や鉄漿つけ給ふ中納言 四明句集


ohaguro tonbo 鉄漿蜻蛉 / 羽黒蜻蛉 Haguro dragonfly, Calopteryx atrata
They are commonly known as the broad-winged damselflies, demoiselles, or jewelwings.

西田孝 Nishida Takashi

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi / Yoshikazu

松村蒼石 Matsumura Soseki (1887 - 1982)


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ohaguro #haguro #blackteeth - - - -

10 Oct 2018

HEIAN - Yamanokami legends Miyagi

Yamanokami Regional 19 Miyagi

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Miyagi 宮城県

. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .

Yamanokami Sha 山神社(やまのかみしゃ)Shrine
宮城県遠田郡美里町 Toda district, Misato town, Kogota
Kogota (小牛田町 Kogota-chō) was a town located in Tōda District, Miyagi
the Yamanokami Shrine and various ancient burial mounds dating from before 250BC.

山神社は、崇徳天皇の御代である永治元年(1141年)、摂津国の住人で、現宮司家の祖先である小山田清寧 Oyamada Kiyoyasu が家の守り神として勧請したのが始まりだと伝えられている。その後、清寧の後裔である浄円が元亀2年(1571年)に神璽(神体)を奉じて、陸奥国遠田郡小牛田旧屋敷にやってきて移り住み、天正3年(1575年)には祠を建てて神体を鎮め祀ったという。
寛文2年(1662年)、仙台藩により小牛田駅が造られ、南小牛田村の町割りが行われた際に旧屋敷地区から近くの南小牛田町屋敷地区に間口九間・奥行四間の社殿が造営され、そこに遷座した。 ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


akakura no yamanokami 赤倉の山の神 Yamanokami from Mount Akakura
Once a woman was happy to announce to the ancestors that she had brought up her children and went to worship at Mount Akakura. But there she was possesed by Yamanokami.

. Mountains named Akakura .

heso no o へその緒 umbilical cord
After giving birth, a woman gets an amulet from Yamanokami and some hemp rope to wrap around the umbilical cord. Together with the name and date of birth she puts it in a bag and keeps it.
When the person thus born dies, this bag is placed into the coffin (in the Matsushima and Sendai region).

. heso no o へその緒と伝説 Legends about the umbilical cord .

. Tengu no kamikakushi 天狗と神かくし / カミカクシ abduction .
If a child gets lost and does not come home any more, people of old thought it was taken away by a Tengu or Yamanokami.
So they took bells and gongs and went to the mountain forest to search.
Once a child got lost while playing "hide and seek" till late in the evening and thought it was taken away by Yamanokami !

makura 枕 pillow
As a wish for a save birth, a woman has to go to 塩釜神社 Shiogama Jinja Shrine and to the shrine for Yamanokami and get a pillow from each one. After a safe birth, she brings back the pillows.
The pillow is usually kept at the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods.
During birth, it is kept near the pillow of the woman. Very seldom it may be borrowed to a woman in the neighbourhood who does not have one.

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .

. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
okasane mochi オカサネ餅 piled-up rice cakes
A decoration for the New Year. After offering them to Yamanokami, they are eaten by the family members.
If they have cracks, the weather in the coming year will be fine.
If they have no cracks, there will be a lot of rain in the coming year.

osaidogiyaki オサイドギヤキ burning the offerings
On the evening of the 15th day of the first lunar month, the offerings for Yamanokami were burned at the entrance of the home.
If all the offerings of soybean shells and straw burned down, the coming year would bring a good harvest.
If some parts remained, there would be a rather bad harvest.

Takebera Taro 竹箆太郎 Shippei Taro

. The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 .
Nagano, Kozen-Ji Temple : Legend of 岩見重太郎 Iwami Jutaro (Kanesuke Susukita) and Shippeitaro (Hayataro)

yamairi no kinki 山入りの禁忌 taboos about going to the mountain
On the 12th day of the second lunar month was 山の神の祭日 the Festival of Yamanokami and nobody was allowed to go into the mountain forest.
But one day a young fellow went to the forest to cut down a tree. On a huge boulder deep down the river walley he saw a half-naked woman with long black hair. When he called at her, she gave him a strange look. He fled in a hurry, but later became ill and died soon after.
This woman was Yamanokami.

... matagi no kinki マタギの禁忌 taboos for bear hunters
If the wife of a hunter had given birth, her husband should not go to the mountain for 27 days, because Yamanokami dislikes 穢れ unclean things.
Others say they had to stay out of the mountain forest until the seventh night was over.
If a hunter would go anyway, he did not find any animal to shoot. Others would loose their way and not come home.
Another hunter was found having committed suicide in the forest . . . and more strange tales are told.

. matagi 又鬼 - マタギ と伝説 Legends about bear hunters .


伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori

. Sanno Iwaya 山王岩屋,Sarutobi 猿跳 Monkeys Jumping .
山王権現 Sanno Gongen and 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato
阿武隈川峡谷 the gorge of river Abukuma

刈田郡 Katta district 七ヶ宿町 Shichikashuku

. zaimoku iwa, zaimoku-iwa 材木岩 Timber Rocks .
and the river 白石川 Shiroishigawa,

. Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 and Zaimoku-Iwa .
at Gifu 岐阜県, 上宝村 Kamitakaramura, 双六 Sugoroku

栗原郡 Kurihara district

Yamanokami does not like the love song サンサシグレ "sansa shigure" , which is song for various rituals.
Forest workers are not allowed to hum the melody while working.
Hunters are not allowed to use the word MONKEY while they are in the moutains.

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栗原郡 Kurihara district 花山村 Hanayama village
花山村御嶽山(石楠花山)The mountain is also called Shakunage Yama.
Ontake Jinja, Miyagi 御嶽神社 with Shakunage fields.
- reference source : -

御嶽山の神 Ontakesan no Kami / Mitakeyama no Kami
Mount Ontake / Mitake in Miyagi is only 472 m high.
During the season the whole moutain seems covered with rhododendron, Shakunage.
If someone comes to pick the flowers, the weather will turn bad, because Yamanokami, who loves these flowers, becomes angry.

. shakunage 石南花 rhododendron .

黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa

tomeyama 止め山 "rest of the mountain"
On the 12th day of the 10th lunar month, villagers observe a day of "Rest of the Mountain", when Yamanokami goes back to the mountain.
This day and the 12th day of the second lunar month are the days when Yamanokami walks in the mountains.
People who do forest work on these days will get some heavenly punishment.

仙台市 Sendai city 太白区 Taihaku

. 万二万三郎 The Brothers Banji and Banzaburo .

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Taihakuyama no Kami 太白山の神 Yamanokami from Mount Taihaku
udo 独活 Japanese Spikenard
Since Yamanokami lost her eye when trying to get some spikenard, the villagers at the foot of the mountain never grow or eat this vegetable.
. udo 独活 Japanese Spikenard, Aralia cordata, .

登米郡 Tome district

. hibashira 火柱と伝説 Legends about a pillar of fire .
On the 12th day of each month, the Day of Yamanokami, people are not allowed to go into the forest.
People make a pillar of fire. If someone is hit by a pillar of fire, his home will have a fire.
That is the curse of sakasabashira 逆さ柱 the upside-down pillar.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


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